Day of the Engineer

A day to celebrate engineering.

Recognitions and awards

Final prize for career and photography

Society and Engineering

Integrated in the territory and society.

Leisure and fun

Performances and big events


Competition of Industrial Technical Photography

  1. Who can participate?
    · Associate Industrial Engineers or Engineers.
    · Condition students.

  2. Theme
  3. Any technical photograph that describes the profession of the industrial technical engineer in the following areas:
    · Industrial environment
    · Machinery and facilities
    · Industrial photo frames

  4. Photographs and format
  5. Each participant may present at most a photograph that has not been awarded in any other competition. Black and white and color photographs can be submitted. The photographs must be presented in digital and physical format.
    · The digital format will be with JPEG extension and a resolution of a minimum size of 5 megapixels equivalent to 1920x2824 pixels.
    · The physical format will be a printed copy in a format 20,3x27 or similar

  6. Photographs and format
  7. with the aforementioned digital and physical formats. Within the CD you must include a file in WORD format that incorporates the following information:
    · Name of the contestant
    · Address
    · Contact number
    · Email address
    · Title of the work
    · Explanatory summary of the maximum work of a sheet, writing the site and the circumstances of the hurry of the photograph.

  8. Deadline for reception
  9. The photo submission deadline will end according to the annual call.

  10. Awards
  11. The winner of the first prize will receive a € 500 heel. Prize: a prize of € 200 for the participant following the first prize.

  12. Exhibition
  13. The CETIT will select the photographs presented together with the winning photos to carry out an exhibition of all the works.

  14. Awards
  15. The award and delivery of the prizes will be held at the CETIT brotherhood dinner at the place and date that is indicated on time

  16. Awards
  17. The authors of the awarded and selected works, by accepting the rules of the competition, authorize CETIT to reproduce these photographs in the dissemination of the prize and supports determined by CETIT. Participation in the competition implies the acceptance of the bases of the contest.

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