Test bench for rotary electrical machines with manual / automatic switchable control and managed by PC, applied to the electrotechnical laboratory of the ETSE of the Rovira i Virgili University.
AUTHOR: Sr. Josep Besora Juanpere
ACCESSION PROJECT: Control distributed via electrical network. AUTHOR: Sr. Xavier Vaque Castilla
Engine control of a numerical control machine tool (MHCN).
AUTHOR: Sr. Jordi Torres Butet
ACCESSION PROJECT: Feasibility study of a Cogeneration Plant applied to a county hospital establishment. AUTHOR: Sr. Cèsar Roca Vallverdú
Speed control of an asynchronous motor for 8051 microcontroller and PC.
AUTHOR: Sr. Miguel Angel Garcia González
Design of the control of a sensor microsystem.
AUTHORS: Sr. José Luis Garcia Martin and Sr. José Ignacio Garcia Gonzalez
Telephone controller for electrical devices.
AUTHOR: Sr. Carlos Ferrant Vilaltella
Analysis, design and realization of a multilevel single-phase inverter for autonomous solar power systems.
AUTHORS: Sr. David Rodriguez Robles and Sr. Jordi Salsench and Benach
SECOND PROJECT: Remote Control (by RF) of a farm ”.
AUTHOR: Sr. Daniel Flores Elias
ACCESSION PROJECT: Solvent recovery plant.
AUTHORS: Sr. Jordi Fabregat Sanjuan, Sr. Roger Gil Nuñez, Sr. David Maya Martínez and Mrs. Júlia Peiró Álvarez
Trigeneration feasibility study in a block of flats.
AUTHOR: Sr. Maurici Gené Capdevila
PROJECT: Centralization and Control of the Refrigeration Installations of a Hypermarket.
AUTHOR: Sr. Juan Luis Hidalgo Pons
ACCÈSSIT PROJECT: Control of induction motor starting maneuvers with data acquisition and processing.
AUTHOR: Sr. Alvaro Extremo Esteban
SECOND PROJECT: Design and construction of a semi-autonomous mobile robot.
AUTHOR: Sr. Sergi Plana Farnós
Decompression of low density and high pressure polyethylene units.
AUTHORS: Mrs. Pilar Hospital Caparrós, Mrs. Marta Casares Santiago, Mrs. Rosa Andrés Pérez and Mrs. Anabel Jiménez Mayor
ACCÈSSIT PROJECT: Interactive course on heating and domestic hot water.
AUTHOR: Sr. Jordi Poro Morcillo
Control and management system for a diesel and petrol dispenser.
AUTHOR: Sr. Ruben Mercé Capell.
ACCESSION PROJECT: Recovery of Noble Metals.
AUTHORS: Mrs. Cristina Crespín Gómez, Sr. Miquel Joan Pujol Guimerà, Sr. Joan Daniel Subirats Armengol and Mrs. Eva M. Zafra Sánchez.
SECOND PROJECT: Talking calculator.
AUTHOR: Sr. Lorenzo N. Trancón Teijeira
Detection and Management of short circuits in a "dual Voltage" architecture of a car with protocol can.
AUTHOR: Sr. David Sanfidel Estor.
ACCÈSSIT PROJECT: Design of a glacial acetic acid storage tank.
AUTHORS: Mrs. Marta Larroya Siguán, Mrs. Montse Roig Bofarull, Mrs. M. Eugènia Crivillé Millán and Mr. David Infante Vegas
ACCÈSSIT PROJECT: Automation and control of a refrigeration industry with solar energy production.
AUTHOR: Sr. Jaume Serra Serrahima and Sr. Joaquim Colomé Capera.
Installation and integration of a cogeneration system with reuse of residual hydrocarbons.
AUTHORS: Mrs. Gemma Andreu Magarolas, Sr. Antonio Miralles Vergés, Sr. Joan Motreso Aixalà and Mr. Miguel Vilaró Domingo.
Implementation of a Maximum PWM Current Control with Blurred Voltage Loop.
AUTHOR: Sr. Gerardo Ramos Córdoba.
PROJECT: Terminal for storing toxic and flammable products in a dry port.
AUTHORS: Sr. Mario Ortiz Fábregas, Sr. José Diego Cazorla Martín and Sr. Juan José Solé Jiménez
GPS-Rasant data monitoring environment.
AUTHOR: Sr. José Manuel Díaz Navarro
ACCESSORY PROJECT: Scada environment of the system of selection and storage of the flexible manufacturing cell.
AUTHOR: Sr. Xavier Urgell Calaf.
Automation of the Cutting area and loading of a brick factory.
AUTHOR: Sr. Xavi Roca Trull.
Cultivator with automatic diggers.
AUTHOR: Sr. Jordi Jové Artigau
AUTHOR: Desert.
AUTHORS: Mr. Ricardo Bonache Samaniego
ACCESSION PROJECT: Mechanized process of collection and cleaning of carobs r.
AUTHOR: Sr. Guillem Fortuny Masdeu.
Automation of a WWTP with VIPA automata
AUTHOR: Mr. Josep Rulló Piró
ACCÈSSIT PROJECT: Air conditioning of a Residential of the 3rd age
AUTHORS: Mr. Fernando Elgarrista Mera and Mr. José Godoy Lorite
Realization of a Solar Battery Charger for Portable Devices
AUTHOR: Mr. Juan Camilo Amortegui Cuevas
ACCESSION PROJECT: Design of a destemming machine
AUTHOR: Mr. Aleix Gabarró Turull
Design of the garage and facilities of the new headquarters of the EMT of Tarragona
AUTHOR: Sr. Jordi Anglès Jové
Polideportivo Juegos del Mediterráneo 2017
AUTHORS: Sr. Clemente Griso Vieiros Sr. Albert Murillo Musté
ACCESSORY PROJECT: Swivel and lifting battery platform
AUTHOR: Sr. Sergi López Celestino
ACCESSION PROJECT: Interface based on Kinect and Leap Motion for human-machine interaction
AUTHOR: Sr. Dídac Coll i Pujals
ACCESSION PROJECT: Design of an electrical installation with renewable energies to power a residential area
AUTHOR: Mrs. Aida Manetas Alfaro
ACCESSION PROJECT: Design of an automatic machine for the manufacture of precision parts of diesel injectors.
AUTHOR: Sr. Eloi Alcaide Alfonso
ACCESSIVE PROJECT: Paddle court complex
AUTHOR: Sr. Raúl Alamillo Jordá
Calculation and design of the electrical system of an industrial complex.
AUTHORS: Sr. Francisco Puebla Vigo and Sr. Marcos Torroba Moreno
Environmental impact air conditioning systems for greenhouses.
AUTHOR: Sr. Álvaro Rodríguez Almaraz
ACCESSION PROJECT: Design of an Airsoft tank.
AUTHOR: Sr. Antonio Mejías García
ACCÈSSIT PROJECT: Design of the production process of revolution parts for electro-valves in Industrias Teixidó
AUTHOR: Sr. Carlos Gispert Riu
Drone to perform Gamma Radiation measurements
AUTHOR: Sr. Xavier Carmona Juan
SECOND PROJECT: Design of a universal speed inverter for a motorcycle with its installation in an all-terrain rally vehicle or motorcycle
AUTHOR: Sr. Gerard Jové Recasens