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3rd Mediterranean Congress on Energy Efficiency and Smart Green Cities

Circular code: 97/14

Sustainable mobility and electric vehicles, axes of the 3rd Mediterranean Congress of Energy Efficiency and Smart Green Cities

For the third consecutive year, Tarragona will host the Mediterranean Congress of Energy Efficiency and Smart Green Cities. An unmissable event in our city with technology, innovation and the latest trends in the field of energy efficiency and smart cities. Thus, on October 22, the Palacio de Congresos de Tarragona will bring together professionals, companies and employees of the public administrations of the whole of Catalonia who will attend the conferences of the 40 presenters who will be present.

This year, the Congress will revolve around four major thematic blocks such as Economy and Energy; Sustainable Mobility, by the hand of Barcelona Activa (City Council of Barcelona), which, through the Cycle of Technological Innovation - Catalonia 2020 - RIS3CAT, will respond to the needs detected for the next years in the Camp de Tarragona; European Challenges and Pact of the Mayors and the presentation of ChemMed -Mediterranean Chemical Cluster-.

Dates: October 22 (Wednesdays)
Schedule: from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Place: Palacio Ferial y de Congresos de Tarragona
Architect Rovira, 2
Speakers, objectives and contents See program
Payment method: Payment through your account number, which you must provide at the time of registration.

€ 98 (instead of € 140)

To benefit from the special price (30% discount) you will have to make your registration through our website

Documentation and resources