This day is aimed at technicians and professionals of engineering, architecture and construction in general who wish to deepen in the knowledge of the characteristics of the galvanized materials and the correct techniques for their use, as well as the construction, public works, urban facilities and industry in general
Attendance to this technical conference is free , pre-registration by fax or email is required.
4:00 p.m. Delivery of documentation and presentation of the day
16.15 h Zinc as a protective metal. Hot galvanizing, basic design rules. Reception and control of galvanized materials. Resistance to corrosion of galvanized steel
Fernando Martín Iniesta. Director of Development ATEG
5:00 pm Constructions with galvanized steel. Unions welded. Bolted joints. Colored from galvanized steel
Jose Luis Ruiz Martínez. Secretary General of ATEG and Former Researcher of the CENIM
5.45 pm Rest
18.15 h Applications of the galvanized sheet under construction
6.45 pm Galvanized reinforcement for reinforced concrete
M. Carmen Andrade, Director and M. Cruz Alonso, Researcher. Institución de Cienas de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja
19.15 h Some applications of galvanized steel in the building, infrastructures and industrial construction
7:45 p.m. Colloquy
8:00 pm End of day
Hall of the Museum of Modern Art
Calle Sta. Anna, 8 -43003 Tarragona
CONFIRMATION OF ASSISTANCE: Send by fax name, surname, company, profession, company address, cod. postal, town, province, telephone and fax at:
Fax 91 571 45 62
a / e: mailto: galvanizació
Tel. 91 571 47 65
Attendance to this technical conference is free , pre-registration by fax or email is required.
4:00 p.m. Delivery of documentation and presentation of the day
16.15 h Zinc as a protective metal. Hot galvanizing, basic design rules. Reception and control of galvanized materials. Resistance to corrosion of galvanized steel
Fernando Martín Iniesta. Director of Development ATEG
5:00 pm Constructions with galvanized steel. Unions welded. Bolted joints. Colored from galvanized steel
Jose Luis Ruiz Martínez. Secretary General of ATEG and Former Researcher of the CENIM
5.45 pm Rest
18.15 h Applications of the galvanized sheet under construction
6.45 pm Galvanized reinforcement for reinforced concrete
M. Carmen Andrade, Director and M. Cruz Alonso, Researcher. Institución de Cienas de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja
19.15 h Some applications of galvanized steel in the building, infrastructures and industrial construction
7:45 p.m. Colloquy
8:00 pm End of day
Hall of the Museum of Modern Art
Calle Sta. Anna, 8 -43003 Tarragona
CONFIRMATION OF ASSISTANCE: Send by fax name, surname, company, profession, company address, cod. postal, town, province, telephone and fax at:
Fax 91 571 45 62
a / e: mailto: galvanizació
Tel. 91 571 47 65
Conditions: |