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Circular code: 24/15
Dates: May 5 and 7 (Tuesday and Thursday)
Schedule: 5:00 p.m. at 8:00 p.m.
Place: Headquarters of the CETIT, Av. of Rome, 7 of Tarragona.
If the number of attendance confirmation of collegiate in the Terres de l'Ebre is equal to or greater than the minimum stipulated in the activity, CETIT / AETIGT will organize, in the same modality, the training action in the facilities Tortosa's activities.
Minimum / maximum attendants: 6/25
Duration: 6 hours
Teaching staff: Alfred Arias Barrio, Chemical Engineer at the Chemical Institute of Sarrià, Ramon Llull University of Barcelona (URL). Industrial Engineer at the Ramon Llull University of Barcelona (URL). Master in Petrochemistry Applied by the Applied Petrochemical Institute of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Teacher of the MBA-URV (Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona) of the "Management Skills", "Building Your Leadership Signature" and "People Management" Innovation Support / Learning / Management Systems. Dow Chimical Ibérica SL
Targets: Understand the dynamics of equipment (advantages and additional effort).
Stages for the construction and development of equipment.
Model, features and success components of high performance equipment.
Dynamics and aspects that are given "day to day" of the teams and how to deal with them.
Contents: The 3 key components of high-performance equipment.
The 9 critical features of high-performance equipment.
The charter team.
Stages of team development.
The empowering formula.
- Persons with management responsibilities who have to communicate and negotiate frequently.
- Staff who have to lead and manage teams and meetings very often (more than 20% of the total workday) at the departmental level, projects, etc.
Documentation: Tracking documentation will be delivered.
What is the FTFE? The TRIPARTITA FOUNDATION FOR TRAINING IN EMPLOYMENT is the body that regulates, controls and administers the annual credit that all companies have to train their employees. With this credit, the allowances are deducted through payments to the Social Security, through the TCs. Who can bonify? Workers who are listed in the general regime.
Instructions to discount:

Request the forms at CETIT
It provides all the information 7 calendar days before the start of the course.

Payment method: Payment through your account number, which you must provide at the time of registration.
Certification: A certificate of accreditation and assistance will be given to the completion of the training. Those who request to discount the cusp through the Tripartite Foundation for Training in Employment, will also have a certificate issued by the FTFE.
Professional Accreditation: This training is competent to prove to COGITI your training.
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