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Circular code: 61 / 15A
Dates: from October 13 from October 20 to June 15, 2016 (Tuesday). Registrations can be made whenever you want.
PILATES: Tuesday,
from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (minimum 6 students are required)

Minimum / maximum attendants: LIMITED PLACES!

6/8 students
Duration: 9 months
Teaching staff:
Meritxell Salla, Diploma in Teaching of PHYSICAL EDUCATION for the URV, university specialist in CLINICAL PSYCOMOTRICITY AND LEARNING by the URV, university specialist in NATURAL TREATMENTS AND THERAPIES, university specialist at WELLNESS-FITNESS: trainning staff, Pilates for the URV.

What is the Pilates method?

Created by Joseph H. Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century, it is a method of physical conditioning without joint impact, based on controlled movements and fluids that maintain a constant connection between the mind and the body.

According to Joseph Pilates himself: "In ten sessions you will notice the difference and in thirty the body will change". Those who practice it regularly assures that with this method important and significant improvements to bodybuilding are achieved.

Other benefits:
  • It contributes vitality and strength.
  • Flexibility, dexterity, agility and coordination of movements.
  • Stylized figure.
  • Correction of harmful postural habits and reduction of back pain.
  • Better self-knowledge of the body.
  • Prevention and rehabilitation of muscle injury.
  • Improvements in the blood and lymphatic system.
  • Reduction of the level of stress and tensions through the control of breathing and concentration
Targets: Improve physical fitness, increase flexibility and correct bad postures. Maintain healthy body and mind.
Recipients: Collegiate / associates and direct relatives. To everyone in general who is interested in practicing these methods, especially to professionals who daily acquire harmful postural habits that cause back pain , such as those who work in the computer all the workday, who suffer from stress or want predict it
IMPRESSIVE Bring comfortable clothes and a mat.
Place: CETIT big classroom, Avenida de Roma, 7 from Tarragona. First floor.
Payment method: Payment through your account number, which you must provide at the time of registration.