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Organized by: Barcelona Association of Graduate Engineers and Industrial Technical Engineers (ENGINYERS BCN) with the collaboration of TARRAGONA ENGINEERS
Aimed at: This Postgraduate course is aimed at professionals in the field of energy management who want to gain knowledge in these strategic lines.

This module is part of the 4 modules that make up the Postgraduate in Efficient Energy Management.

The European Union has set targets to meet its commitments against climate change and energy policy. This Postgraduate course aims to provide content, tools and strategies for compliance with these, talking from the electricity market to renewable energy and self-consumption issues. This Postgraduate course will feature the participation of renowned speakers in the field of energy management.

Dates: March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 22, 29, and May 6, 2022 (Friday)
Duration: 43 hours

Module 2: Efficient energy management in the Big Data environment


-Almost zero energy building

* Rehabilitation, refurbishment and new work with almost zero energy consumption

* From the fundamental concepts to the building practice. From inefficient architecture to almost zero consumption

* Regulations: evolution of the building towards sustainability

* Why certify buildings? consistency

* Why certify? legality. Historical evolution

* Procedure for the energy certification of buildings 2013/235 / E

* The technical code: the changes of 2013 looking towards 2020

* The physics of building: its three fundamental levels.

  • The first level: building physics.

The environment, comfort, seasonality and energy balance

  • The second level: the ideal models.

* Negative balance = smart isolation and capture, accumulation, distribution and management

* Positive balance = protection, insulation, ventilation. Capture, accumulation and distribution

  • The third level: eco-buildings

* The new building and isolated building. The whole case.

* Reforms and rehabilitations: applying the possible in a balanced way

-Tools for energy design of buildings

* Computer systematization: architecture, renewables and maximum efficiency

* Computer programs for energy legalization in Spain

* Other software related to the building

* Computer systematization: architecture

* Computer systematization: renewable

* Computer systematization: maximum efficiency

-Modeling, analysis and practical comparison of buildings

* Introduction to modeling. The Unified Toolkit (HULC)

-Energy Qualification and Simulation / Consumption calculation and verification

-Regulations-Counter systems

* Strategy for implementing measurement systems

* Types according to variables to be measured (Electrical, thermal, compressed air, temperature, pulses, etc.)

* Types according to communication protocols: Modbus, BACNET, MBus, IEC870-5-102 protocols

* Types of communication channels: Wired, wireless, IP

* Data concentrators, Gateways and forms of integration (API, FTP, email, etc.)

* Data as a service

* Introduction to data processing (EMS, BMS, SCADA, Niagara, etc.).

Taught by:

  • ALBERT BASTÉ. Energy Technical Engineer
  • POL ANSÓ. Ecoarch architect. Master in structures.
  • ALFONSO MATEOS. Product Owner of Dexma
  • VÍCTOR MORENO. Energy consultant at Green Living Projects. Vice President of IBSA Spain Chapter (International Building Performance Simulation Association). Graduate with specialization in Energy, official Master in Air Conditioning Technologies and Energy Efficiency in buildings. Accredited CMVP, CEM, LEED AP, BREEAM.
Documentation: The documentation will be available on the platform between 24 and 48 hours before the start of the training. In the event that there is additional documentation after the training, we will provide it to you later.
More information: actividades.html?ID=3336


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The cancellation must be communicated 48 hours before the start of the training via e-mail, if 100% of the amount of the training action will not be invoiced.

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Due to attendance, these images will be kept and while the course is uploaded to the platform. Once the time has elapsed to be able to view it later, it will no longer be uploaded to the platform and the images will be deleted with the appropriate security measures.

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