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[Online streaming course] WRITING REPORTS WITH MS Word

activity For your company!

Organizes this training tailored to your company! Contact us here
Organize: Promoted by CETIT and taught by COGITI FORMACIÓN on the COGITI Training Platform
Dates: From December 26, 2022 to February 26, 2023
Schedule: Online, at your own pace
Duration: 90 hours, 9 weeks

The purpose of the course is to provide the tools and knowledge needed to successfully develop:

  • Use the key concepts and terminology of "financial language" clearly and accurately.
  • Read and analyze the company's accounting statements: balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.
  • Interpret the patrimonial situation and the economic evolution of the company by applying the main analysis tools.
  • Making decisions based on accounting information and knowing its potential economic and financial repercussions.
  • Negotiation and relationship with financial institutions. The limitation of credit and the growing delinquency has led banks to minimize the risk of their operations and to request both historical and forecast accounting documents with specific and detailed information on the evolution of the business. It is essential to know what is being asked of us and why.
  • Manage the organization through action guided by plans.
  • Know the mechanisms that allow business budgets to be drawn up and use them as an effective tool for decision-making.
  • Assess and establish the viability of an investment project, as well as compare and establish an order between different projects.


1. The financial statements

1.1. The balance

1.1.1. Financial balance. The Maneuver Fund.

1.1.2. The financial balance

1.2. The income statement

1.3. Cash Flow Statement (EFE)

2. Business financial cycles

2.1. The short term cycle

2.1.1. The length of the short-term cycle: the PMME and the PMMF

2.1.2. Operational financing needs (NOF)

2.1.3. NOFs and the maturity of financing sources

2.2. Financial cycles: the long-term cycle.

2.2.1. Internal financing or self-financing

2.2.2. Depreciation as a source of financing (AEC)

2.2.3. Retained earnings or reserves

3. Analysis of the financial situation

3.1. Financial analysis

3.1.1. Analysis using ratios

3.1.2. Analysis of working capital (FM) and NOFs

3.2. Economic and profitability analysis

3.2.1. The company's profitability: ROE and ROIC.

3.2.2. Basic financial return (ROE) analysis model

3.2.3. Profitability and growth

3.2.4. The financial leverage effect: ROE and ROIC

3.2.5. Profitability, leverage and risk

3.3. The company's borrowing capacity

4. Analysis and valuation of investments

4.1. Investment projects

4.2. Investment analysis: static methods

4.3. Investment analysis: dynamic methods

4.3.1. The time value of money

4.3.2. The net present value (NPV)

4.3.3. Case study VAN and CCMP

4.3.4. The internal rate of return (IRR)

4.3.5. Dynamic Pay-back (PBD)

Note: Registrations are carried out and managed from COGITI. You can also apply for registration on our website and later we will send you the direct link for definitive registration.

Cancellation of registrations:

Depending on the registrations that are made, the training action will be viable or not, for this reason it is important that you notify cancellations.

The cancellation must be communicated 48 hours before the start of the training through the email, otherwise 100% of the amount of the training action will be invoiced.

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  1. F. XAVIER BORRÀS25 anys de professor titular d'Economia Financera i Comptabilitat a la Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona. A més, és professor col·laborador de la UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) des de la seva creació, el 1999. També és coordinador de l'àrea financera empresarial de diversos cursos de postgrau (MBA). És docent e-learning del curs Finances Empresarials per a Tècnics a la plataforma de formació de COGITI, on porta impartides més de 1000 hores de teleformació