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Addressed to: All those people who review, design or evaluate automatic water sprinkler systems; as they can be engineers and/or architects of project companies, technicians of companies installing and/or maintaining fire protection systems, technicians of insurance companies, maintenance managers, technicians of the administration or its collaborating entities, as well as newly qualified engineers and/or architects who wish to start their professional career in the Fire Protection sector.
Objectives :

Achieve the necessary skills to understand, analyze and design automatic water sprinkler systems by applying the reference standard (UNE — EN 12845) in Spanish territory. Introduce the fundamental concepts of sprinkler systems. Know the fundamental contents of the UNE-EN 12845 standard. Learn how to choose the most suitable sprinkler system for your application. Distinguish the different sprinkler technologies, their properties and criteria for their selection. Discover how to approach the design correctly from the appropriate selection of activity and risk.

0. History
1. Statistics
2. Principle of operation, purpose, components and intrinsic characteristics
3. Regulatory margin
4. Type of systems and their main elements. Size of the facilities
5. Design standards: UNE — EN 12845
6. Scope of protection
7. Risk classification and categorization of stored products. Special products
8. Design parameters. Terms and definitions.
9. Storage: Configurations and limitations
10. Ceiling sprinklers and intermediate sprinklers
11. Location of sprinklers. Number and distribution. Obstructions
12. Types of sprinkler and applications
13. Topology of the installations and configuration of pipes
14. The hydraulic calculation. Hazen-Williams formula
15. Special risks
16. Control Mode Specific Application (CMSA)
17. Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR)
18. Admissible pipe qualities
19. Support
20. Valves and other elements
21. Signage and information on sprinkler installations
22. Documentation for the installations
Dates: February 21, 2023 (Tuesday)
Schedule: From 9.30 to 18.30 hours
Duration: 8 hours approximately.

Cancellation of registrations:

Depending on the registrations that are made, the training action will be viable or not, for this reason it is important that you notify cancellations.

The cancellation must be communicated 48 hours before the start of the training through the email, otherwise 100% of the amount of the training action will be invoiced.

Images and recording of the course: we inform you that, in compliance with the RGPD, the current legal regulations on data protection and Law 1/1982 on civil protection, right to honor, personal and family privacy and the image itself, photographs will be taken during the course and in certain cases they will be recorded and/or broadcast live. Under no circumstances will the name of the interested party be published. The image is used legitimately for the College's legitimate interest in promoting these courses and their possible subsequent viewing by attendees.

By attending, these images will be kept as long as the course is uploaded to the platform. Once the period for viewing it later has passed, it will no longer be uploaded to the platform and the images will be deleted with appropriate security measures.

Likewise, you have the right to request access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation and opposition to its treatment by sending an email to For more information on data protection rights, access our website:


  1. CARLOS GONZÁLEZL’experiència professional adquirïda des de l’any 2003 a empreses multinacionals instal·ladores i mantenidores del sector de la protecció contra incendis, com Parsi, S.A., Securitas Seguridad España (posteriorment, Systems Niscayah, S.A.) i Wormald Mather + Platt España, S.A.; li han permès assolir els coneixement normatius — RSCIEI, RIPCI, UNE, Reglas Técnicas Cepreven, NFPA, FM, APQ REBT, etc —, tècnics i experiència necessaris per díssenyar una amplia gama d’instal·lacions per la protecció contra incendis en tot tipus de riscos. Durant aquest temps s'ha familiaritzat amb els següents sistemes de PCI: Boques d’incendi Equïpades (BIE's), Sprinklers, Aigua polvoritzada o Diluvi, Espuma, Hidrants, Monitors, Detecció (analôgica, convencional, por mostreig d’aire aspirat); Abastaments (grups de pressió o equips de bombeig i dipòsits), extincions automàtiques mitjançant agents gasosos; per la protecció de riscs tals com emmagatzematges, hotels, industries farmacèutiques, alimentàries, petroquímïques, edificis d’ oficines, administratius, singulars, EGA’s, transformadors, quadres elèctrics, CPD’s, hangars, tancs d’emmagatzematge, etc... Actualment, desenvolupa les seves tasques com a enginyer de PCI a la companyia Eleanor Seguridad, fiIial del GruP Elenor.