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activity For your company!

Organizes this training tailored to your company! Contact us here
Engineers, architects or other professionals in the technical field who work in the field.
Dates: May 20 and 27 and June 3 (Monday)
Schedule: From 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on June 3 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Minimum/maximum assistants: 8/25
Targets: There are simple projects - such as, for example, that of industrial buildings, which with a little learning the technician can learn to carry out. For this reason, a practical course of simple calculations has been organized, in which the student will carry out the calculation process with the help of the teacher and computer application tools, both for the structure and for the foundations.
  • Decisions on the types of structural elements to choose: type of roof, type of pillars, beam-pillar connection, type of material.
  • Explanation of the content of the CTE DB-SE: structural safety and CTE DB SE-AE: actions in the building, in order to learn how to carry out a correct descent of loads according to current regulations.

Exercise to do at home: Study of the descent of general loads to the foundation of an industrial building. Data to be provided to the prefab company.

  • Solution exercise done at home.
  • Calculation of steel beam and pillar. Explanation of the content of the CTE DB SE‐A Acer, to calculate small loft of metal profiles.

Exercise to do at home: Calculation of a metal structure loft.

  • Solution exercise done at home.
  • Calculation of metal truss.
  • Self-supporting joists: one-way roof hand calculation according to EHE‐08 for roof straps.

Exercise to do at home: Roof with straps of self-supporting beams.

  • Solution exercise done at home.
  • Isolated foundation theory. Calculation of surface isolated foundation.
  • Foundation calculation.
NOTE: Help calculation sheets will be given to the students.
Mode: Online streaming, through a link with direct access to the virtual classroom.
Documentation: The follow-up documentation will be delivered digitally, by email, a few days before the start of the course.
Bonuses: We manage the procedures so that you can benefit from the corresponding training bonus.
Bonus instructions:
1. Request the forms from the CETIT at
2. Provide all the information 7 calendar days before the start of the course.
3. IMPORTANT NOTE: Bonuses are managed by an external consultancy. Those who wish to take advantage of the bonus for any training action, the price will be increased by *20% (which can also be bonused and recovered).

*Maximum amount €150 per company applying regardless of the number of workers applying

Certification: A certificate of accreditation and attendance will be given at the end of the training. Those who apply for a bonus through the Fundación Tripartita para la Formación en el Empleo will also have a certificate issued by the FTFE.


  1. GEMMA MUÑOZGemma Muñoz Soria, arquitecte i arquitecte tècnic. Màster en rehabilitació i restauració, tecnologia de l’arquitectura a l’ETSAB – UPC. Professora i coordinadora del màster MGIC estructures de La Salle - Ramon Llull, professora del departament de Tecnologia de la universitat ETSAB-UPC. Assessora d’estructures al departament d’Habitatge de la Generalitat de Catalunya i arquitecte col·laboradora del CAATEEB. Actualment és sòcia fundadora d’ARGAMASSA, un despatx especialitzat en estructures.