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Activitat anul·lada
Addressed to: Professionals with expert or technical knowledge in a matter and want to intervene in a judicial process
Dates: 28 (Monday) and 29 October (Tuesday) 2024
Schedule: From 17:00h to 19:00h
Duration: 4 hours

At the CETIT facilities, Av. from Rome, 7 from Tarragona.  

Objectives: The Expert Engineer is specialized in the area existing between Engineering and law. Applying their technical knowledge to help the judge dispense justice in litigation. He can be a key figure in the resolution of conflicts between parties, either out of court (through Mediation or Arbitration) or through the court (through the development of an Expertise). In the organized day, the basic concepts in the figure of the expert witness in a judicial process will be developed and analyzed.

October 28, 2024

17:00 Presentation

17:15 The intervention of the expert: commissions, party experts and judicial experts. Jurisdictional areas of action.

17:45h The expert in the Law of Civil Procedure. (1st part)

18:30 Colloquium

October 29, 2024

17:00h The expert in the Law of Civil Procedure (2nd part)

17:45h The evaluation of the opinion

18:00 Form of opinion

18:15h Responsibility of the expert

18:30 Colloquium

Documentation: The documentation will be available on the platform between 24 and 48 hours before the start of the training. In the event that there is additional documentation once the training is completed, we will provide it to you later.
Certification: Once the training has been completed, students will receive a certificate of attendance that can be downloaded from the platform.
Bonus instructions:

1. Request the forms from the CETIT at

2. Provide all the information 10 calendar days before the start of the course.

3. IMPORTANT NOTE: Bonuses are carried out through an external consultancy.

Those who wish to take advantage of the bonus for any training action, the price will be increased by 20% (which can also be bonused and recovered).


Cancellation of registrations:

Depending on the registrations made, the training action will be viable or not, for this reason it is important that you notify cancellations.

The cancellation must be communicated 48 hours before the start of the training through the email, otherwise 100% of the amount of the training action will be invoiced.

Images and recording of the course: we inform you that, in compliance with the RGPD, the current legal regulations on data protection and Law 1/1982 on civil protection, right to honor, personal and family privacy and the image itself, photographs will be taken during the course and in certain cases they will be recorded and/or broadcast live. Under no circumstances will the name of the interested party be published. The image is used legitimately for the College's legitimate interest in promoting these courses and their possible subsequent viewing by attendees.

By attending, these images will be kept as long as the course is uploaded to the platform. Once the period for viewing it later has passed, it will no longer be uploaded to the platform and the images will be deleted with appropriate security measures.

Likewise, you have the right to request access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation and opposition to its treatment by sending an email to For more information on data protection rights, access our website:


  1. Francisco José RevueltaMagistrat President de la Secció 4ª de la Audiencia Pronvical de Tarragona
  2. Ferran Huidobro MencióAdvocat en exercici, ExDirector de l´Escola de Pràctica Jurídica del Col.legi d´Advocats i Asesor de diverses Companyies d´Assegurançes.