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ORGANIZES: Association of Architects and Technical Architects of Tarragona.


Sustainable architecture, environmental integration and energy efficiency are together with waste management and the improvement of quality, the spearhead of a new regulatory framework for construction, characterized by the protection of the environment and the implementation of energy efficient systems.

The use of rainwater, the use of materials with sustainable criteria and the management of waste are elements that, independently of a legal regulatory framework, the buyer or user of a home will value more and more. The high environmental and economic cost of traditional energies and the limited disposition of the materials, encourage the awareness of an efficient consumption of natural resources, a circumstance that is especially important in the field of construction, where around 36% of the resources.

It is necessary that the technical architect, responsible for the quality of the building, know and be able to direct the implantation of new facilities, systems and materials that, as in any growing area, evolve very quickly, they are highly specialized and require of an expert design and installation.

SUSTAINABLE HABITAT INSTRUMENTS AND APPLICATIONS? It aims to give an overview of the technological possibilities that are currently offered, its characteristics and the conditions of execution that the technicians have to consider when putting them into operation.


Thursday, October 23, 2008
Sala Foundation URV

4:30 p.m. • Presentation of the symposiums by the Excm. i Mgfc. Dr. Francesc Xavier Grau i Vidal. Rector of the URV and Ms. Núria Pedrals Pugès, General Director of Quality of the Building and Rehabilitation of the Housing of the Department of Environment and Housing of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

17 18 h · Definition, evaluation and projective techniques of sustainable architecture Mr. Luis de Garrido

18? 20 h · Sustainable habitat. Clarifying concepts Mrs. Inés Sánchez

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17 20 h · Sustainable habitat. Proposal of practical exercise.
Mrs. Inés Sánchez

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sala Foundation URV

17 6:30 pm • Reubication of gray and rainwater. Legislation and applications
Mr. Edwin Nolde

6:30 PM 20 hr · Reubstraction of gray and rainwater.
Applied Technology
Mr. Luciano Schildhorn and Mr. Wolfgang Dehoust

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17 20 h · Thermal solar energy. ACS. Introduction, legislation, design and control
Mr. Miguel Osuna

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17-18 h · High efficiency lighting. Introduction, legislation and applications.
Mr. Adrián Muros Alcojor

18? 20 h · High efficiency lighting. Natural lighting and efficient applications.
Mr. Adrián Muros Alcojor

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17? 18:30 p.m. • Efficient air conditioning. General concepts and legislation.
Mrs. Núria Miralles

6:30 PM 20 h • Efficient climate control. Systems evaluation and quality control.
Mrs. Núria Miralles

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17? 18:30 p.m. · Energy certification. Legislation and computer applications.
Mrs. Emma Santacana

6:30 PM 20 h · Energy rating
Mr. Fabián López

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17 20 h · Materials as an element of environmental impact. Lifecycle of materials. New materials and applications
Mr. Antoni Floriach

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

17 20 h · Waste management: general concepts and legislation. Project management. Deconstruction
Mr. Antoni Floriach

Friday, December 12, 2008
Auditorium of the COAATT

09? 13 h · The sustainable habitat. Presentation and evaluation of the practical exercise.
Mrs. Inés Sánchez

13:00 p.m. Closing ceremony held by Ms. Misericòrdia Montlleó, delegada delegada de Medio Ambiente de la Diputación de Tarragona, y Ms. Carme Crespo, Managing Director of Sustainability, Environment and Health


PLACE: Room of Attendance of the COAATT
Rambla P. Francesc Macià, 6 from Tarragona

977 212799