CETIT has signed an online educational collaboration agreement with e-TECMA LEARNING SL, with the aim of offering you technical training activities at a special price.
E-TECMA LEARNING SL., Is a company with experience in other fields, in technical and environmental training, taught by professionals in the sector.
Starting in April, several calls will be opened to carry out, on line, a course on RENEWABLE ENERGIES AND APPLICATION TO BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE.
The OBJECTIVE of the course is that the student knows the situation of the EERR in the national and European energy panorama, as well as the main technologies of each one and their applications to the new tendencies in the construction.
This course lasts 40 hours and the deadline for its completion is two months.
The dates of the announcements are the following:
- April 11 (Monday)
- June 13 (Monday)
- 2 October 4 (Monday)
- November 14 (Monday)
- The problems of the current energy model and the new model.
- Renewable energies of application in the building.
- Solar energy
- Geotermic energy
- Biomass
- Wind power
- The EERR and the CTE
- Principles of bioclimatic architecture
PRICE: € 300
DOCUMENTATION: tracking documentation will be provided through the platform.
C ERTIFICATION: A certificate of attendance will be given to the course. Minimum attendance of 80% of the teaching hours.
Mrs. Ana Díaz, ' 984 28 53 95
REGISTRATION TERM: registrations can be made until the same day of the call.
Conditions: |