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Agreements: HEALTH CARE

Agreements: HEALTH CARE ( SALUT )

The objective of the General Mutual Society of Catalonia is to grant its mutualists and members that integrate HEALTH CARE with the most complete coverage in order to cover all the risks that affect people.

The objective of the General Mutual Society of Catalonia is to grant its mutualists and members that integrate HEALTH CARE with the most complete coverage in order to cover all the risks that affect people.

The annual modifications of coverage allow incorporation into the latest developments, adapting the benefits to achieve the objective of excellence of the entity, with the guarantee of just and sufficient quotas and barems.

For more information: Mutua General de Catalunya, Av. of Rome, 14, of Tarragona or to the telephone 977.25.28.55 or 977.23.69.78.

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Pare Palau, 5 Tarragona

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