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Email Engineers Tarragona

Free corporate email

Mailbox and personalized email address and with the corporate domain of the College

The school offers its members a free emailbox with the following features:

  • 2Gb of mailbox space (5Gb for the professionally engaged in the profession)
  • 30MB of maximum message size
  • Maximum recipients per shipment
  • Webmail / PIM (Personal Information Manager)
  • Contact manager
  • Task manager
  • Calendar manager and appointments
  • Filters and blacklists
  • Automatic answer in the absence

    1. We inform you that, upon the discharge of your mailbox and personalized email address, if you did not receive the CETIT correspondence electronically, it will now be transmitted through this address. If you already received by email the information will continue to be sent to the previous mail, and if you want to reach this new address, you must inform us by checking the following box:

      Request email