Eighth dean, Antoni Escarré Paris

2014 begins in an era full of changes both in the training aspect and in the exercise of the profession, with a Strategic Plan to achieve the improvement of quality in the profession and to be an active part in the territory.

In 2015, the ENGINYERS TARRAGONA brand was implemented.

Services and computer applications are generated for third parties.

The various technical and expert commissions are created.

In 2019, the Engineer's Day is relocated, taking it to different parts of the territory

In 2020 and in the midst of a pandemic, the College continues to provide all services both electronically and in person

In 2022, the proposal to reduce collegiate fees by 40% in four years will be fulfilled, becoming the most economical college in Catalonia and the heritage will continue to expand

During the mandate, the challenge of the ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION is raised

The College becomes part of different commissions and boards of the territory, such as the Urban Planning Commission, Energy Poverty Board, Catalan Intercollegiate, Terres de l'Ebre Intercollegiate, AQU


Seventh dean, Santiago Crivillé Andreu

A thorough reorganization and update of the College begins with improvements that allow it to face the new challenges of the 21st century.

Services are increased and information and communications technologies are implemented, as well as organizational quality, which has boosted the corporate image in society.

In 2003 we celebrated the 75th anniversary of our professional association.

In 2004, the facilities were inaugurated in Terres de l'Ebre as an extension of the College's headquarters in Carrer Mercaders, no. 2 of Tortosa.

In 2008, the facilities and furniture in Tarragona are redistributed and reformed in a design of open spaces without visual obstruction, giving the feeling of spaciousness and improved workplaces, the furniture in Tortosa is also modernized. In 2008, the Tortosa location was expanded with the purchase of a location attached to the existing facilities. In Tarragona, the space is expanded with the purchase of the second floor of the building on Av. Rome In 2008, the Association of Industrial and Degree Technical Engineers of Tarragona was created, registering with the UAITIE.

Members experience a significant increase and the organization enjoys being with all the corporate areas of Catalonia and Spain actively.


Sixth president, Joan Garcia i Marquès

At this stage the College acquires its first headquarters, inaugurated on April 7, 1979 at Avinguda del General Mola, no. 11 (current Pau Casals). They are the beginnings of a corporate sense developed in the social part, technical training and concern for professional defense and attributions.

In 1995, our demarcation became an autonomous college integrated into the Council of Colleges of Industrial Technical Engineers of Catalonia. The presidents are called deans.

In 1996, the current headquarters on Avinguda de Roma, no. 7, (mezzanine and first floor) with spacious and modern facilities. The number of members grows and the activities multiply.


Fifth president, Joan Roig i Güell

He started a tribune of the opinion of the collegiates, both in the academic area and in that of specialized training and constant review of knowledge. The number of collegiates increases significantly considering the era.


Fourth president, Francisco Hierro Coronil

The College inaugurates a rented social premises located on Rambla del Generalísimo, no. 63 (today Rambla Nova), as the seat of the Tarragona delegation of the Official College of Industrial Experts of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. The professional and social collegial activity begins to be created.


Third president, Lluís Roca i Garcia

Those were the most difficult times for the continuity of the College. The will to fight in the face of difficulties made the president himself offer his address as the headquarters of the entity. The professional associations are established and a new stage begins as a delegation of the Association of Industrial Experts of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands.


Second president, Manuel Sapiña i Costa

The associative operation is structured. The sub-delegation, in the province of Tarragona, of the National Association of Industrial Experts and Technicians of Spain is created. Stage of adaptation to post-war times with clear objectives of professional defense.


First president, Ginés Navarro i Navarro

A group of experts and industrial technicians presented the documentation on January 8, 1925 to the Civil Government of Tarragona to form the Association of Experts of the Province of Tarragona, which was formalized with the foundation act and the regulations. 1927 The association is legally established after the one in Barcelona. The organization of the association, the defense of the rights and the protection of all the associates were the main objective of these pioneers, who were looking for a merely technical function, of knowledge exchange and fraternity.