What is an industrial technical engineer?
The profession of industrial technical engineer is a university, entitled and is regulated by Law 12/1986 of April 1 (BOE 04/02/1986) and Royal Decree Law 37/1977 of June 13 (BOE no. 144 of 06/14/1977).
The Industrial Technical Engineer is a professional with a wide and diverse field of work in the framework of engineering. Its activity is oriented towards the project, the execution and the maintenance of all type of works, and also towards the urban planning and the arrangement of the territory. It has full powers within its respective specialties: electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical and textile.
The academic qualification empowers the exercise of the profession, which is integrated into the social fabric through the business world, the state, autonomous and local public administration; of teaching and of the liberal profession.
The professional exercise is developed mainly in the following fields:
- Municipal activity licenses
- Pressure devices
- Lifting devices
- Installations against fires
- Low voltage electrical installations
- Electrical installations in high voltage
- Storage of chemical products
- Storage of petroleum products
- Water installations
- Refrigeration facilities
- Thermal installations in buildings
- Corrective measures and protection of the environment
- Safety and prevention of risks
- Expert reports, assessments, opinions and technical studies
- Urbanism and construction
- Vehicles
- Energy certification of buildings
- Mediators
- Research and Teaching
From the College, the professional ownership of its collegiates is guaranteed and work is done to defend the profession and society in general.
Attributions according to RD-Ley June 13, 1977:
- Industrial experts will have identical faculties that industrial engineers, including deforming and signing projects, limited to mechanical, chemical or electrical industries or facilities whose power does not exceed 250 HP, 15,000 volt voltage and its staff of one hundred people, Excluded administrative, subordinate and directors.
- The voltage limit will be 66,000 Volts when the installations refer to distribution lines and substations of electric power.