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The energy transition to debate: experiences of implementation in the industrial sector in Terres de l'Ebre

The Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN) and the Efficient Energy Cluster of Catalonia (CEEC) have organized a series of conferences to discuss the Energy Transition in Catalonia. This cycle consists of three days:

  • The energy transition under debate: experiences of implementation in the industrial sector in the Girona counties
  • The energy transition under debate: experiences of implementation in the industrial sector in the counties of Lleida
  • The energy transition to debate: experiences of implementation in the industrial sector in Terres de l'Ebre

The cycle has analyzed the need for business and professional participation in the energy transition of Catalonia, the possibilities of decarbonization of the country and at the same time, economic opportunities

The sessions brought together experts from the professional and business sectors in each territory

The speakers agreed on the importance of business and professional organizations positioning themselves as agents of opinion and knowledge in order to promote the energy transition and to make the population aware of the consequences of inactivity in the face of the climate emergency.

The last event focused on Terres de l'Ebre. The following experts discussed the situation of the energy transition at the conference: Manel Torrent, Director General of Energy, Industrial Safety and Mining Safety and Director of the ICAEN, Mercè Miralles, Director of Territorial Services of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Terres de l'Ebre, Eugenia Cortijo. responsible for the subcommittee of Circular Economy of the Commission of industry of the Chamber of Commerce of Tortosa, Luis Maestre, president of the College of Industrial Engineers of Catalonia (Demarcation Tarragona), Joan Gabriel Talarn, vice dean of the Col · law of Industrial Technical Engineers in Terres de l'Ebre and Xavier Ferrer. Member of the Executive Committee of FEGICAT.