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Advance call for the year 2021 for the promotion of the incorporation of unemployed people over the age of 45 into the labor market

From the SOC they send us the following information:

We inform you that the advance notice for the year 2021 for the promotion of the incorporation of unemployed people over the age of 45 into the labor market has been published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya, TSF Resolution / 3458/2020, of 23 December, in order to encourage companies to promote the hiring and job creation of people over 45 who are unemployed, away from the labor market and with difficulties in rejoining it.

The Public Employment Service of Catalonia (SOC) will subsidize employment contracts lasting at least 6 months, a working day equal to or greater than 50% and its work center in Catalonia, in accordance with the approved regulatory bases. by Order TSF / 133/2018, of 30 July, modified by Order TSF / 188/2018, of 12 November, and the call in question.

The amount to be subsidized will be determined by the economic module provided for in base 8 of Annex 1 of Order TSF / 133/2018, of 30 July, in reference to the Minimum Interprofessional Salary to be established for the year 2021. The amount of the module will be established by Resolution of the Directorate of the Public Employment Service of Catalonia, which will be published in the Official Gazette of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The maximum eligible duration of each contract is 12 months, unless it is the hiring of a person who has a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33% which may be up to 18 months.

The deadline for submitting applications begins on January 20, 2021 and will remain open until November 20, 2021 inclusive, and the deadline for execution of contracts corresponds to contracts signed between January 1, 2021 and September 30, 2021.

Applications and other procedures associated with the procedure for awarding grants and their justification must be submitted according to standard forms and following the instructions available in the Procedures area of the Generalitat de Catalunya's electronic office, http: // , specifically accessing the link of the Procedure for the Promotion of the Incorporation of unemployed people over the age of 45 in the labor market.

You will find more information on the SOC web portal, at