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May 16 International Day of Light

Yesterday, May 16, was International Light Day.

The aim of this day is to highlight, according to the resolution that proclaims it, “the essential function that light develops in the lives of the citizens of the world in the spheres of science, education, culture, energy and sustainable development. ”

Light, according to UNESCO, is considered an essential element in meeting the challenges that lie ahead in terms of sustainable development and renewable energy.

driven by the use of light can bring great benefits to society.

In Spain, it is coordinated by the Spanish Committee for International Light Day, which brings together the main agents related to the science and technology of light, such as scientific societies, research centers, universities, consortia and technology platforms, companies, etc.

Light has become a real necessity in all areas of human making. Today it is a real challenge that light is a possible good for all citizens who inhabit the planet. This is the challenge posed by the United Nations within the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda.

From gamma rays to radio waves, the spectrum of light gives us important knowledge about the origin of the universe, about technologies in fields as diverse as medicine, agriculture, energy and so on. to the protection of cultural heritage. In addition, light has had a significant impact on the visual and performing arts, literature, and thought.

The light has had for the man a great amount of advantages, being most excellent those that are detailed next:

Light has been the main precursor of artificial light.

It has allowed scientific and technological development.

It has served to improve the quality of life of human beings.

It is a source of vital energy for the life and development of all the species that inhabit the Earth.

Through light it has been possible to study the origin of the universe.