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SOC-dissemination second call for business solvency support grants in response to COVID-19

The Government extends direct aid to business solvency to all sectors of activity (any CNAE except the sectors of financial and insurance activities or activity of extraterritorial organizations and bodies).

The register has already been opened so that companies and self-employed people can register and be eligible for business solvency support grants in response to COVID-19.

See the requirements, exclusions and other details in Canal Empresa and in the text of the Order.

We give you a glimpse of this second call:

Responsible body

Government of Catalonia. Department of Business and Labor. Department of Economy and Finance

Deadline to apply for help

The pre-registration form can be submitted from 9.00 am on 21 July 2021 until 30 July 2021 at 3.00 pm. The order of presentation does not give priority.


The aid will be used to cover debt and payments to suppliers and other creditors, financial or non-financial, as well as fixed costs incurred pending payment, provided that they have accrued between 1 March 2020 and 31 March 2020. May 2021 and come from contracts prior to March 13, 2021, satisfying in the first place, payments to suppliers, in order of seniority, and if applicable, the nominal of the bank debt will be reduced, prioritizing the debt with public guarantee.


Pre-registration is open to business people or professionals and companies:

  • That they have carried out and declared, or that it has been verified by the Administration, this activity during 2019 and 2020,
  • That they continue to exercise it at present, and that they are in any of the following situations:

- That they apply the system of objective estimation (modules) in the Personal Income Tax (IRPF).

- That the annual volume of operations declared or verified by the Administration, in the Value Added Tax or other indirect indirect tax in 2020, has experienced a decrease of more than 30% with respect to 2019. S ' they include property communities and civil societies, as well as any other entity in the system of attributing income.

- That they are consolidated groups that are taxed in the Corporation Tax in the consolidated taxation system and accredit a decrease in the group's activity of more than 30% in 2020 with respect to 2019.

The following may not be recipients of aid:

  • Consolidated entities and groups that have submitted the application for the pre-registration procedure for direct extraordinary grants to support business solvency, which was open from 21 to 30 June, and meet the established requirements.
  • Entrepreneurs or professionals, entities and consolidated groups included in the sectors of activity of section K: Financial and insurance activities and section U: Activities of extraterritorial organizations and bodies in accordance with the National Classification of Economic Activities.
  • Entrepreneurs or professionals, entities and consolidated groups that, despite complying with the requirements, in the personal income tax return corresponding to the 2019 financial year have declared a negative net result for the economic activities in which they are has applied the method of direct estimation for its determination or, where applicable, the taxable base of the corporation tax or of the tax on the income of non-residents has been negative in that year, before the application of the capitalization reserve and compensation of negative tax bases.

Amount of aid

The aid granted will in no case be greater than the credited debt. The amounts, within the maximum limits established by RDL 5/2021 will be:

  • if it is taxed by modules, up to € 3,000 can be received
  • the rest of the companies and professionals will be able to receive between 4,000 and 200,000 €

It is expected, firstly, that the applications included in Order ECO / 127/2021 will be processed until the initially planned budget is exhausted and, secondly, that those included in this new procedure will be processed with the remaining amount that also it will be distributed until the available budget is exhausted and if this is not enough for all the applications it will be distributed proportionally between the different applications.


See the requirements to access these grants.

Commitments and obligations

A. Maintain the activity corresponding to the aid until June 30, 2022.

B. Do not distribute dividends during 2021 and 2022.

C. Failure to approve increases in senior management remuneration for a period of two years from the date on which the grant was awarded.

Pre-registration and applications:

Pre-registration is required to receive business solvency support. Once the registration details have been verified, the same form will be the aid application.

The submission of the application for registration is done electronically by the Canal Empresa, filling in the standard form that can be found on its website. The order of arrival of the application for registration does not grant preference in the granting of the grant. Therefore, applications can be submitted within the established deadline.

The generic request is not valid for the submission of applications for this procedure. We suggest that you consult the Pre-Registration Support Guide.


ORDREECO / 153/2021, of 16 July, by which opens the procedure of previous registration of the extraordinary extraordinary helps of support to the business solvency enresponded to the pandemic of the COVID-19