Call for awards and scholarships 2007 "Industrial Technical Foundation"
Among the activities programmed by the Industrial Technical Foundation for the year 2007, approved by the Board of Trustees, are the call for prizes and scholarships aimed at the permanent promotion and training of its beneficiaries, the Experts and Industrial Engineers. For this purpose, the bases of the 2007 call for awards and scholarships are attached, which are expressed below:
Extraordinary prize for a research project on technological innovation with a gross SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EUROS (6,100 Euros), and two second prize of THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED EUROS (1,100 Euros), gross .
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Five scholarships for research work, each endowed with the total amount of THREE THOUSAND EUROS (3,000 Euros).
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Andalusia Award "On Technological and Industrial Disclosure", which amounts to the amount of TWO THOUSAND EUROS (2,000 Euros), gross, subsidized by the Andalusian Council of Colleges of Industrial Technical Engineers.
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Galicia Award: "On Technological and Industrial Disclosure" amounting to a gross amount of ONE THOUSAND EIGHTY EUROS (1,800?), Subsidized by the Galician Council of Technical Enxeñeiros Industriais Industriais
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Prize College of Navarra "Renewable Energies" , endowed with the amount of THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (1,500 Euros), subsidized by the College of Navarra.
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Six prizes destined for "Final Degree Projects" , each endowed with the amount of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EUROS (1,500 Euros), gross.
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III Photographic Contest "Solidarity and Social Action" , endowed with THREE THOUSAND EUROS (3,000 Euros), for all the awards contemplated in its bases, subsidized by the Social Security Mutuality of Industrial Experts and Engineers (MUPITI).
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The characteristics and requirements of the mentioned prizes and scholarships are specified in the bases of each one of them.
All awards involve the issuance of the corresponding diploma.