The MOVES III program will favor the generation of employment and economic activity in a context of economic recovery after the crisis caused by the pandemic of COVID-19, thanks to the different lines of aid.
Regarding the budget of this call, Annex V of Royal Decree 266/2021, of 13 April, indicates that the available budget corresponding to Catalonia is 65,587,765 euros.
On the other hand, article 10.5 of the same Royal Decree establishes that certain management costs incurred by the respective Autonomous Communities will be considered as indirect costs attributable to the budget of the Aid Program.
In this sense, of the available budget corresponding to Catalonia, 65,587,765.00 euros, 63,948,070.88 euros will be allocated to this call for grants and a maximum of 1,639,694.12 euros (2.50% of the budget available) will be used for possible indirect costs attributable to the subsidized actions.