This version of the LIDER / CALENER Unified Tool (HULC) facilitates the verification of the CTE DB-HE 2019 and issues a report for the Energy Certification of buildings.
For the verification of the DB-HE 2019, a document can be written in any other format as long as it collects the verification of all the necessary data and is signed by the responsible technician. The Unified tool does not have to be used either to carry out the necessary calculations to verify the verification, other computer tools can be used that follow the calculation procedure collected in the DB-HE 2019 and in the recognized document Technical conditions of the procedures for the evaluation of the energy efficiency of buildings
However, in the scope of application of the energy certification of the procedures for the qualification of energy efficiency of a building must be recognized documents and be registered in the General Register.
The sections of the DB-HE 2019 that allows you to check the tool are:
- 3.1 and 3.2 of section HE0
-,, 3.1.2 and of section HE1
- 3.1 of section HE4
- 3.1 of section HE5
All other DB-HE requirements must be verified by other procedures.
The program generates the Building Energy Certification report in PDF and XML format, with the necessary information for registration.
This version of the tool allows the import of files from previous versions, requiring in some cases the verification or updating of existing data, or the incorporation of new data.
For those works for which a municipal works license is requested before the date of compulsory application of Royal Decree 732/2019, both this new version of the DB-HE and the previous version of the document (version 1.0.1564.1124 dated March 3, 2017) to perform checks according to each version of the DB-HE.
You can submit your comments regarding the application of the Unified LIDER-CALENER tool (HULC) at this link.