On 30 September, the UNE 23500: 2021 standard was published, which establishes the requirements for water supply systems used to power the specific fire-fighting systems that use this extinguishing agent.
This edition cancels and replaces Standard 23500: 2018.
This standard has been developed by the technical committee CTN 23 Fire safety, the secretariat exercises Tecnifuego.
Special attention has been paid to:
• Increased security in its application. In this way the acceptance by the Regulation of Installations of protection against fires (RIPCI) is allowed, in which the application of this norm is demanded and in the list appears the version of 2012.
• European standards related to the topic and the observed trend of revision of these in the projects.
• Creation of requirements that can be implemented in the current infrastructures that respect the rules and regulations that may be affected.