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In the event that it affects them, the XIX Collective Agreement of the Engineering Companies Sector and Technical Studies Offices includes in its article 30.1 the obligation to take out accident insurance, which will be complementary to the compulsory one. , to cover the risks of service travel for certain employees.

If so, Mupiti has the solution through the Mupiti Accidents Premium insurance, which covers the guarantees required by the agreement and at a really cheap price.

We leave you the extract of the article of the mentioned agreement:

"The XIX Collective Agreement of the Sector of Engineering Companies and Offices of Technical Studies states in its article 30.1:" To cover the risks of service travel, the management of the company will arrange the establishment of an accident insurance, complementary to the compulsory one, as long as it does not have any other insurance with a wider coverage in force. The insured capital will never be less than € 22,000 and will cover the contingencies of death, absolute permanent disability and severe disability, resulting from an accident at work ”.

More information:

Érika Recio Mora

Territorial Manager of Catalonia

Tel: 695 314 297