March 22 was World Water Day, a day that has been celebrated since 1993. The aim is to highlight the importance of water. Raise awareness of the millions of people who lack access to safe drinking water. It is also conducive to measures to address the global water crisis. One of the main goals of World Water Day is to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6: water and sanitation for all by 2030.
This year’s motto was “Making the Invisible Visible,” and it highlights the importance of water stored underground, with the goal of raising awareness about the importance of protecting them, as they form the basis of the supply of water. 'drinking water and sanitation systems, and are a basic natural resource for agriculture, industry and all natural ecosystems.
In the same week of March, the 9th World Water Forum was held in Dakar, with the motto “Water Security for Peace and Development”, a Forum held every three years. they bring together governments, multilateral institutions, the private sector, civil society, where they can collaborate and make long-term decisions on global water challenges. This year's edition has sought to shed light on the role that groundwater plays in a variety of social and environmental issues, such as security of supply and sanitation; the quality of rural development management and guarantee; cooperation; and the means and tools and, in particular, funding and governance.
UNESCO claims that aquifers provide more than 70% of the water used in the European Union and are often the "only source of water supply" in many arid or semi-arid regions of the planet. Specifically, 65% of aquifers' water resources go to irrigation, 25% to human food in drinking water and 10% to industry.
The main source of recharge for groundwater is rain and snow, which seep into these natural deposits through the soil. One of the most important risks they face is overexploitation, that is, when more water is extracted through wells and other systems than can be recharged through the cycle of nature. Climate change, with increasing droughts, increases the risk of depletion. A problem that can lead to the depletion of this resource. In addition, groundwater can be contaminated by human activity, which forces regeneration processes that are long and difficult.
Innovations to reduce pressure on aquifers
The most sustainable way to help nature, protect underground resources and adapt to the effects of climate change is by reusing water. The key word is regenerate. To regenerate is to subject the purified water to a new treatment so that it can be reused following a circular model. Once regenerated, the water can be returned in optimal conditions to rivers and aquifers to start the catchment cycle again or to supply directly to industry, cities and agriculture for different uses. The reuse of reclaimed water ensures the availability and quality of water resources, and avoids the impact of periods of drought.
Another sustainable solution to reduce the pressure on drinking water sources is to take advantage of resources that are not suitable for human consumption, but harmless for other uses such as cleaning public roads or irrigating green areas.
One year before the great International Conference on Water, to be held in 2023 under the auspices of the United Nations, this 9th edition of the Forum represents a key stage in making concrete political and financial commitments in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development (SDG) and, in particular, SDG no. 6, which seeks to "ensure the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all."
Water, the outstanding challenge of the 21st century
Scarcity, poor water quality or lack of treatment equipment have a negative impact on food security, health, gender equality and the living conditions of disadvantaged people. Indeed, according to the latest United Nations estimates, by 2020, 2,000 million people still did not have access to safe drinking water at home, 771 million took at least thirty minutes to reach a drinking water access point, and more than 100 million people in the world drank untreated, poor quality water.
Water is a vital resource that needs to be protected. It is essential for food security, biodiversity, health and even peace
We can't handle what we don't measure. Hence the need to thoroughly study, analyze and monitor groundwater.
Groundwater will play a key role in adapting to climate change. We must study and protect them, trying to find a balance between the needs of people and those of the planet.