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Climate Action expands the line of aid for the acquisition of electric vehicles and the installation of recharging points by 65 million euros

The initial budget of 65 million euros had already been exhausted for both lines.

The call will remain open until December 2023 or until the available resources are exhausted.

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda, through the ICAEN, will expand by 65 million euros the line of aid for the promotion of sustainable mobility MOVES III, intended to subsidize the acquisition of electric vehicles and the installation of charging points for electric vehicles. The call opened on October 2 with an initial budget of 65 million euros, and since then 7,748 applications for aid for the acquisition of a vehicle have been received, and 4,052 requests for help with the installation of recharging points.

The extension of the budget of this measure, endowed with resources from the European funds Next Generation, will cover all the applications that have been received so far, and gives capacity to continue addressing the renovation of the car fleet of Catalonia for to make it cleaner and more efficient, and to provide it with the proper recharging infrastructure. The line for the renewal of vehicles has already consumed 106% of the initial budget, while the line for the installation of charging infrastructure already exceeds 125% of the initial budget. The new resources available will be shared equally between the two lines.

The call will maintain the requirements to apply for grants. This can be done by individuals, self-employed people, communities of owners or administrations without financial activity who have purchased a vehicle included in the program or who have installed a recharging point, as well as legal entities and other administrations. There will be a maximum period of 12 months from the award of the grant to execute and justify the action. The call will expire on December 31, 2023.

Aid for the acquisition of alternative energy vehicles (electric or fuel cell) for individuals and the self-employed ranges from 1,100 euros (in the case of motorcycles) to 9,000 euros (in the case of of vans with scrapping of another vehicle). The aid for the purchase of a car with more than 90 kilometers of autonomy is 4,500 euros, and amounts to 7,000 if you also prove the scrapping of the old vehicle.

The item intended to subsidize the installation of recharging points will finance public and private recharging points located in both residential areas, parking areas, public roads or road network, and the aid will cover from 30% to 80% of the eligible expenditure according to the beneficiary, with a maximum of 800,000 euros per file and 5,000 euros for individuals. The aid covers everything from the cost of the recharging point to the work and equipment associated with its installation, such as civil works or management, control and security systems, among others. For the first time, it can be accessed by neighboring communities, so that recharging points can be set up in private community car parks.

The aim of this line of aid is to advance the decarbonisation of the transport sector, and it is in line with the process of transition to a new, cleaner, more democratic and sustainable energy model that the country is experiencing and with the situation of Climate emergency declared by the Government of Catalonia.