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Initiatives of the Special Commission for the War in Ukraine (of the Trade Union)

1. Unique and joint manifesto of the professions before the war in Ukraine

At this session it was agreed to carry out various actions, including the elaboration of a "single and joint Manifesto of the professions in the face of the war in Ukraine", which was finally approved unanimously in the General Assembly. of UP, held on June 21.

The aforementioned manifesto resolves, among others, the following:

First.- To call on the professions of Europe, those of the countries confronted and those of others in the world community to continue working to achieve safe environments.

Second.- Carry out actions of awareness and sensitization from the professions towards the different estates of the society.

Third.- Continue to promote access to quality professional services, with greater intensity in times of emergency and need, contributing to the restoration of peace and the reconstruction of the country.

Fourth.- Channel the aid, in any of its forms, in an orderly way through the competent institutions.

Fifth.- To entrust to the Multiprofessional Conference of Professional Union the consideration of this situation like serious and general to the effect of the forecast, prevention and search of solutions.

2. Ukrainian professionals in Spain

The complicated situation of Ukrainian professionals wishing to pursue their professions in our country was addressed.

It was proposed that the professions combined in the Professional Union be made available to the competent authorities in the context of the processing of qualifications in order to collaborate in all that may be necessary in these procedures. In this way, Recommendation (EU) 2022/554 of 5 April on the recognition of the qualifications of persons fleeing the invasion of Ukraine by Russia is addressed.

This recommendation provides Member States' authorities with practical guidance and advice to ensure a rapid, fair and flexible recognition process.

3. Register of Volunteer Professionals to participate in emergency situations

Finally, on June 15, it was noted in the aforementioned Special Commission for War in Ukraine, the establishment of a Register of Volunteer Professionals that hosts UP for collaboration and making available to professionals who wish participate in emergency situations. All this in the framework of agreements signed by the association with other entities and in the field of humanitarian emergency such as the war in Ukraine.

UP currently has an agreement with the Red Cross, although it is expected to be signed with other entities, such as the International Organization for Migration -IOM- and UNHCR.

In this way, a specific inter-institutional collaboration channel is opened through the Register of Volunteer Professionals, which will facilitate the provision of professionals who wish to collaborate voluntarily in those matters that are required by the aforementioned entities. , trying to put at the service of the citizenry, as far as possible, the knowledge, skills and professional expertise in situations of gravity and great complexity.

Registered professionals who so wish may register in this Register through the following link:

Access the form:

The data collected will be used for the sole purpose of making them available to the Red Cross, and those other organizations with which an agreement is formalized in the specific framework of providing collaboration in situations of conflict and humanitarian emergency.

Documentation and resources