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Isabel Trabal, the first female engineer in Catalonia, and the second in Spain

Isabel Trabal was born in Barcelona in 1924 in a family of industrialists. His father was the owner of the paper factory La Papelera Española and his mother was a cultured woman and traveler. From an early age she liked science and technology and enrolled in Industrial Engineering at the Escola Tècnica Superior de Barcelona. She was the only woman in her promotion and had to face masculinity and the difficulties of the post-war period.

When he finished his studies, he joined the management of his father's factory, where he modernized the production processes and improved the working conditions of the workers.

She also married an industrial engineer and had four children. In 1981, he closed the factory due to financial problems and dedicated himself to promoting the Caixa d'Enginyers, a financial entity created by a group of engineers to offer services to professionals in the sector.

In addition to her professional activity, Isabel Trabal was a woman committed to society and feminism. He participated in several cultural, educational and solidarity associations. She was a founding member of the Catalan Women's Institute and received several recognitions for her pioneering and innovative career.

Isabel Trabal died in Barcelona in 2014 at the age of 89.

Her legacy lives on as an example of a brave, intelligent and generous woman.