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New autonomous savings plan

From January 2023, the new "Self-employed Complementary Social Security" insurance is in force. This is exclusive insurance for self-employed people, both in the Special Regime for Self-Employed Social Security (RETA) and MUPITI as an alternative to RETA.

Through this new insurance, the self-employed will be able to increase their contributions and, consequently, their tax relief up to 4,250 euros per year (Law 12/2022 which entered into force on 2-7-2022, with effect on 1-1 -2023). Additionally, they can contribute and deduct 1,500 euros more than the regulations provide for all individual complementary social security systems. In total, the contributions made can reach 5,750 euros per year.

This insurance is excellent news for our self-employed colleagues who will be able to increase their retirement savings and also benefit from guaranteed returns and profit sharing each financial year.

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