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Aid to industry is increased to €104 million to meet the requests presented and planned

This call, published in 2021, had an initial allocation of €35 million for Catalonia, a budget that was increased by a further €25 million in April 2023. Since its launch in 2019 until now, the line has with an endowment of 104 million euros. Also, the deadline for submitting applications was extended a few months ago, extending it until June 30, 2024, or until resources are exhausted.

The actions that can be taken up with these grants are unstarted projects that allow reducing energy consumption per unit of product in manufacturing plants and C02 emissions. It is necessary that the investment in the same plant is greater than €75,000, and that an investment of 1.2 euros per kWh of annual savings is not exceeded.

Currently, these are the only aids that allow the industry to take savings and efficiency measures or consider changes in the process to achieve the decarbonisation of their plants. Source: icaen