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Tarragona engineers present at the inauguration of the 23-24 academic year of the Catalan university system at the URV

Tarragona engineers present at the inauguration of the 23-24 academic year of the Catalan university system at the URV.

This Friday, September 22, the inauguration of the 23-24 academic year of the Catalan university system took place in the Great Hall of the Catalonia Campus of the URV with the presence of Engineers Tarragona.

The event's welcome was given by the rector of the University, Dr. Josep Pallarès.

During the event the Report of the academic year 22-23 was presented, there were the parliaments of the Il·lm. Mr. Rubén Viñuales Elías, mayor of Tarragona and Mr. Josep Poblet Tous, president of the Social Council.

The URV Medal has also been awarded to Dra. María José Figueras Salvat, rector of the URV from 2018 to 2022.

The event included the opening lesson "Good information sets us free", by Ms. Rosa Maria Calaf Solé.

The Jaume Vicens Vives distinctions for university teaching quality and the M. Encarna Sanahuja Yll mentions for excellence in the inclusion of the gender perspective in university teaching practice have also been awarded.

The closing of the event was done by M. Hble. Mr. Pere Aragonès i Garcia, president of the Generalitat de Catalunya.