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Do you want to increase the productivity of your company? Make it (more) healthy

What defines a healthy company?

Since 2007, the WHO has been promoting the concept of healthy companies, those that care about actively and continuously improving the health of their workers, making both the work environment and the habits of their employees healthier inside and outside the work environment, which affects the success of the company.

This new business model teaches employees how to manage stress, emotions, improve the work climate, prevent injuries and think and act in a healthy way to achieve higher performance.

Healthy companies act on four main areas: health, well-being, safety and sustainability.

Why has the healthy business model emerged?

Faced with the problem of presenteeism and absenteeism, this business model seeks to make us act and give importance to the most important asset of any organization: its employees.

According to the National Institute of Statistics, 59 percent of Spanish workers suffer from stress at work, at one time or another.

The healthy company model has therefore emerged to bet on the health, safety and well-being of workers, aspects that are of fundamental importance for workers and their families, and also for productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of companies and economies.

What are the benefits of healthy business?

A healthy company does not focus exclusively on the physical environment of the business headquarters and occupational safety or on the prevention of risks and accidents at work; it also includes aspects related to health habits, psychosocial and psychological factors, in addition to the development of a sustainable environment that ensures diversity and inclusion.

Devoting efforts to implement a healthy business model generates relevant benefits and enables the development of a powerful differentiation strategy.

  • Ensures risk prevention. A healthy company obviously prioritizes the health of workers, relying on tools and strategies that guarantee the prevention of risks, both physical and psychosocial, through the promotion of healthy habits within a positive working climate.
  • Healthy and safe environments reduce occupational accidents and occupational diseases.
  • Image improvement and talent attraction. The strategies adopted and planned by a healthy company improve the corporate image, as it seeks to maintain an optimal environment and healthy working conditions.
  • It encourages involvement. Workers in a healthy company feel cared for and protected; this promotes work motivation, a sense of belonging and active participation in company projects, the flow of new ideas and the achievement of goals.
  • More productivity. Increasing the involvement and active participation of employees in a healthy environment also increases productivity levels and performance in the company. The results will be positive and relevant, with greater use of resources.
  • Reduces conflicts between teams and professionals. When a team develops in a healthy work environment they know how to manage differences and tensions.

The benefit that this healthy business model generates is evident, both in terms of individual development and project performance and business growth. But it is important to recognize that becoming a healthy company means a combined effort of the work team and its managers, together with an investment that guarantees a healthy and safe environment.

If you need more information, do not hesitate to contact DATA AND SERVICES