The new CTE modified the fire resistance requirements of the construction systems of facades and partitions on the outside, which directly affects the thermal insulation of the cladding and ventilated facades, these requirements came into force from 28 of June 2020, when this new CTE comes into force, and must be complied with by all new buildings or those that rehabilitate the exterior of the facade or partition. Which requirement was changed?
The class of reaction to fire that is required of the building systems of the facade and the insulation systems of the ventilated chambers.
Why was this requirement changed?
Due to the evolution that the constructive solutions of the facade are experiencing, partly as a result of the increase in the energy efficiency requirements of the surrounding buildings.
Where is the modification?
• Section SI 2- External propagation
• Section 1. Partitions and facades
• New points 4, 5 and 6
What are the new requirements of the requirement?
In the case of facades with h < 18 m whose lower opening is accessible, both the constructive facade systems and the insulation inside the ventilated chambers will be at least B-s3,d0 up to a height of 3, 5 m at least.
In addition, it is required:
The classification must consider the final use condition of the construction system including those materials that constitute layers contained inside the facade solution and that are not protected by a layer that is at least EI30.
- For insulation systems inside ventilated chambers:
Ventilated chambers must be interrupted in continuity with the fire-resistant slabs that separate fire sectors. The inclusion of E30 barriers is a valid procedure for disruption.