1. Report of the Delegate of MUPITI
2. Approval, if applicable, of the management, the annual accounts (Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Equity Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Report) and the Management Report, corresponding to the financial year closed on December 31, 2023; previously presented to the General Assembly, for you to take note of, the report of the Audit Committee. Approval, if applicable, of the Application Proposal for the Results of the financial year closed on December 31, 2023.
3. Approval, if applicable, of the Income and Expenditure Budget and the Investment Budget for the year 2024.
4. Approval, if applicable, of the proposal to amend Mupiti's General Statutes to adapt the regulation of the following matters, which have previously been accepted by the Board of Directors: 5.1. The recognition of the political rights of mutual members in the event of subscription to savings insurance or Mupiti social security with contributions in the form of a single payment. (Article 17.5) 5.2. Definition of "mutualist in suspension". (Article 17.6)
5. Approval, if applicable, of the proposal to amend the General Regulations for Quotas and Benefits in the chapters indicated below, and which have been previously accepted by the Board of Directors, as well as the documentation, both of a technical nature and administrative, which was necessary to modify as a result of the approval, if applicable, of said proposal:
5.1. "Supplementary Social Security" insurance. (Title II, Chapter I, Section One). It is proposed to modify the wording of "Article 28. Guaranteed values", to incorporate the estimated profit participation in its calculation.
5.2. "Mupiti Accidents" insurance. (Title II, Chapter IV). It is proposed to extend the insurance contracting age (article 58.1.a))
5.3. "Mupiti Protection" insurance. (Title II, Chapter X). New wording of the regulation to update the applicable regulations, modify the selection criteria and improve the wording and internal organization of its regulation.
5.4. "Mupiti Professional" insurance. (Title II, Chapter XI). Incorporate risk coverage for those over 65. (Article 30.3)
5.5. Documentation, both of a technical and administrative nature, that was necessary to modify as a result of the approval, if applicable, of the proposal to modify the Fees and Benefits Regulation contained in points 5.1 to 5.4
6. Approval, if applicable, of the proposal to hold the 2025 General Assembly of the Mutuality in a place other than the registered office, in order to achieve greater dissemination of the Mutuality.
7. Approval, if applicable, of the following proposal: "Ratify the relevance and unquestionable value that Mupiti, as an alternative mutuality to the RETA, has contributed and contributes to the self-employed professional activity of industrial technical engineers and graduates in engineering, and order the Board of Directors of the Mutual to promote, either alone or in collaboration with others, all the actions it deems necessary and with all the means at its disposal, for the defense of the validity and continuity of its condition as an alternative social security mutuality to the RETA".
8. Prayers and questions.