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Professional Liability Insurance

Professional civil liability insurance covers the indemnities that must be paid as a result of professional liability for damage caused in the course of its exercise, which will be paid by the insurer in exchange for the payment of a premium and agreement with the conditions and limits of the signed contract. The law also states that a debtor is responsible for his obligations with all his present and future assets.

Law 7/2006, of May 31, on the exercise of qualified professions and professional associations, provides that "qualified professionals have the duty to cover by means of insurance the liability risks they may incur due to the exercise of their profession".

It is a legal obligation that affects industrial technical engineers as service providers that present a direct and concrete risk to the health, safety and property of recipients or third parties and that must be appropriate to the nature and scope of the risk.

There may be some exception to the fulfillment of the obligation to have insurance, such as professionals whose professional activity is exercised exclusively as a worker on behalf of others who already have insurance cover for the risks of activity that includes the exercise of the profession. It is recommended, however, that the engineer with an employment relationship knows the coverage of his company and his insurance by checking the conditions.

However, it is advisable that they also have insurance since, even if the employer is directly responsible for the acts of his workers, this would not exempt him from his responsibility in some cases; and the company or its insurer could pass on the amount of the claim that it has been forced to satisfy against the worker. In addition, if the company disappears, the injured party will only have as a reference, when making a claim, the professional who carried out the action that caused the injury or damage.

The Law provides that "in the case of collegiate professions, the professional associations must adopt the necessary measures to promote and facilitate sufficient compliance with the insurance duty of their collegiate members". The College provides this service to its members and for this reason it has taken out collective insurance with sufficient and proven coverage with the MAPFRE insurance company.

A collegial collective insurance allows you to have a special group that consists of free coverage for inactive, those collegiate engineers who end their engineering activity due to retirement or any other reason, definitive or temporary. In these cases, they will continue to be covered by the work done until the cessation of the activity, as long as they maintain the status of member. In the event of the member's death, his heirs will also enjoy professional liability coverage.

The member can choose the insurance that suits him best, but the College's insurance carries significant advantages in relation to those that can be obtained in the market.

It must be borne in mind that exercising the profession of engineer does not consist exclusively of drafting and signing technical projects, but any application of intellectual judgments to any technical or scientific activity that requires the training it grants must be considered exercise of the profession the corresponding academic university degree, regardless of the type of professional exercise.