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The Mecatronix team wins the Mechanical Engineering self-propelled mobile competition

The challenge for this course was to build a vehicle that used the elastic potential energy of a spring to propel itself.

The first-year students of the Mechanical Engineering degree at the URV took part, yesterday, in the 19th edition of the Self-propelled Vehicle Competition. Students had to design and build a small vehicle that uses the elastic potential energy of a spring, the same for all teams, to propel itself. The team whose vehicle covers a greater distance without deviating excessively, wins.

The winning team, made up of Mountasir Ararou, Aina Ferreira, Nil Guitart, Mireia Salvadó and Albert Sánchez, designed a vehicle capable of traveling 23.4 metres. The winners received, from Núria Llosas, secretary of the College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Tarragona, a laser meter each. The competition is included as an evaluation activity of the Integrated Project subject and, apart from the results, theoretical aspects and the design phase of the vehicle are also taken into account.