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Ángela Ruiz Robles (Villamanín, March 28, 1895 - Ferrol, October 27, 1975) was a Spanish teacher, writer and inventor, precursor of the electronic book (ebook).

Born in Villamanín (Leon) in 1895, daughter of Elena Robles and Feliciano Ruiz, pharmacist. She completed her higher studies at the School of Teachers in León, where she taught her first shorthand, typing and business accounting classes between 1915 and 1916. She was a teacher and director of the Escola de Gordón, in León, in 1917. He obtained the position of teacher in a village near Ferrol in 1918, Santa Uxía de Mandiá, where he was until 1928.

On December 18, 1925, he received "a special distinction for his indisputable merits in gratitude for his dedication and selfless attention" promoted by his associates. In 1934 he took charge of the management of the Hospice's National School for Girls, where he carried out an important task.

In 1945 she was a teacher at the free Workers' School.

In 1948 he taught shorthand, spelling, grammar and typing at the Ibáñez Martín School.

In 1959 she was its director until her retirement.

Between 1938 and 1946 he writes, lectures, edits and re-edits most of his scientific work, a total of sixteen books. Its first three are: Compendium of Castilian Spelling, Castilian Ortografía and Modern Abbreviated Martinian Shorthand. This last work describes a systematic and simplified shorthand method, based on the Martinian vowels and which can be used for any language, including Esperanto. And it is that Ángela Ruiz Robles is a speaker of this language and defends its use as an international auxiliary language until the government that emerged from the Civil War will consider it linked to movements persecuted by the regime and in particular anarchism, a fact that in will advise against use.

He also teaches opponents of customs, posts, telegraphs and for admission to higher commercial studies in the academy for adults he owns, Elmaca.

Stage as an inventor

Between 1944 and 1949 he carried out several projects. In 1944, the scientific-grammatical atlas, with the purpose of making known the Spanish state, with grammar, syntax, morphology, orthography and phonetics. Then, the tachytype machine. In 1949, the mechanical encyclopedia, built in the Artillery Park of Ferrol (La Coruña): she herself directed the work. Patented on December 7, 1949, according to patent no. 190,698. From 2006, the Encyclopedia was part of the Exhibition of the Pedagogical Museum of Galicia (MUPEGA) in Santiago de Compostela (La Coruña) until May 4, 2012, when it moved to the permanent Exhibition of Science and Technology Museum of A Coruña.