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Declaration of Industrial Technical Engineering on the Ministry's drafts to regulate Engineering studies

Among the dissabte and diumenge (6-7 setembre) there are tots els diaris nationwide.




The General Council of Associations of Industrial Technical Engineers and the Union of Associations of Industrial Technical Engineers of Spain, before the unsatisfactory process of the alleged university reform to adapt engineering to the European Higher Education Area


one.       Industrial Technical Engineering welcomed from the outset, with great hope, the Bologna Declaration signed by numerous European countries in 1999, one of whose essential objectives is:

-         The adoption of a university system based primarily on two main cycles ... The degree obtained at the end of the first cycle must be relevant in the European labor market as an appropriate level of qualification. The second cycle will lead to the obtaining of a Master and / or Doctorate, as it happens in many European countries

2.       From the first framework document issued by the Spanish Government to trace the lines of the reform, Industrial Technical Engineering has maintained a favorable position and support for change assuming the need for a deep reform of Engineering that will lead Spain to standardize with the most advanced European countries and the rest of the world. The General Council and the Union of Associations have promoted and defended the idea of unifying engineering studies, ending the pernicious "duality" of the same that so many damages have reported to the social and technological development of our country. From the beginning our Institutions have worked with the University and with the official Organisms of the university area in the line of supporting that idea and guiding the adaptation to the study model promoted by the Bologna Declaration.  

3.       Within the framework of the European Higher Education Area and being aware of the essential regeneration of engineering studies, our Institutions have defended as necessary the existence of a Bachelor's degree (first cycle) with full professional attributions in the Branch of the Industrial Engineering, an explicit position in the meetings promoted from September 2007, after a long time of confusion and lack of definition, by the then Ministry of Education.

Four.       As a result of these meetings, the now Ministry of Science and Innovation has presented some documents to reform the engineering studies prepared by a Commission of university rectors and assumed by the Ministry itself that, surprisingly, violate the spirit and letter of the Declaration of Bologna and even the Spanish legislation that develops the commitment signed by the Spanish Government.

5.       The extremely conservative proposal reflected in these documents maintains, under the appearance of change, a regressive situation with respect to the current one, taking advantage of the situation to reinforce the concept of "class engineering", emptying content to the Bachelor's degree and deriving the competences towards the title of Master, in clear tort compared to the reform of the rest of university studies. This proposal supposes an authentic "social scam " that Spanish society will have to give an account of. Nothing is further from the engineering needed by the Spanish company than the proposed reform project embodied in those documents.

6.       With this project, the engineer who could contribute most to the development of our industry is suppressed, based on an arbitrary and stained decision of a strong university corporatism. Indeed, the future degree engineer is absolutely diminished in his training and in his competences, even below the current industrial technical engineer, reducing him to a mere specialist engineer who in the development of his profession cannot be autonomous and will always need others professionals to help you with your tasks. Poor training that will undoubtedly pose a risk to the security of society.

7.       It is absolutely unacceptable that the immobilist rectors and defenders of their own interests against those of society, assert their thesis, against, even, those rectors whose responsibility makes them aware and worthy of the need for a profound change. The vision of these immobilist rectors is what they have achieved   May our University win by hand be included among the last in the developed world.

8.       With the acceptance of this proposal, the Ministry of Science and Innovation flagrantly breaches previously made agreements and breaks its own lines of reform publicly manifested and in analysis documents, in which the so-called "Master Umbrellas" are expressly rejected. It also commits an obvious violation of the regulations governing higher education, by assigning the Generalist functions to the Master contrary to the provisions of RD 1393/2007 on the Organization of University Education, which clearly defines this level as "oriented to academic or professional specialization ".

9.       It is unacceptable that the university engineering reform relegates the bachelor's degree to a mere "bridge of passage" towards the Master's studies, and grants its graduates less skills than the current industrial technical engineers , despite the fact that their training is set in four academic years, superior in one year to theirs and, therefore, with an evident increase in social and economic cost without benefits in return, which cannot be assumed, in any way, by Spanish society.

10.    This proposal breaks the path of constant progress that industrial technical engineering has had, heiress of industrial experts, and which had its maximum expression in Law 12/86 of April 1 of Architecture and Technical Engineering Attributions, that it has contributed so much to the development of Spanish engineering and that it has been the foundation of the existence of professionals excellently prepared to exercise their function with society with quality and safety guarantees. It is not tolerable that at this time, when a new opportunity for engineering development is presented, solutions of the nineteenth century are proposed, protected by the short-sightedness of those whose responsibility should lead them, on the contrary,   to be the standard bearers of technological and social progress.   

For all the above and especially for our professional and social commitment,

WE STRICTLY REJECT the proposal presented by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and urge the Government to undertake the academic reform of engineering with a strong will to change and adapt to the European Higher Education Area according to the commitments assumed in the Bologna Declaration and in the Agreements in Berlin, Prague, Bergen and London, as well as in their own official documents and legislative framework, the only possible way to guarantee the training of future engineers and adapt it to the levels of development, research and innovation that our country needs.

Madrid, September 2008