The government, employers and unions have reached an agreement on pensions to make retirement more flexible, involve the mutuals more in health treatments, make better use of resources and regulate professions that are particularly hard, dangerous and exposed to risks.
This pact is intended to encourage those who continue to be active beyond retirement age, as well as pave the way to make partial retirement more attractive.
We present the main points of this agreement.
Delayed and active retirement
The agreement strengthens incentives to delay the retirement age, making them compatible with active retirement, which allows people to continue working after the retirement age while collecting part or all of their pension.
In the case of delayed retirement, there will be a half-yearly incentive of two percent in pensions and it is no longer a requirement to have completed the entire contribution period.
Regarding active retirement, the worker will receive 45 percent of the pension in the first year of delay, 55 percent in the second, 65 percent in the third, 80 percent with four years and the full pension after fifth Until now, the worker could only receive 50 percent, regardless of years of service.
The self-employed will be able to receive 75 percent of the pension if they hire someone new or already have a worker hired for an indefinite period, with a seniority of 18 months or more. This percentage can be increased by five percent each year until reaching one hundred percent.
Partial retirement
The agreement introduces a new regulatory framework for partial retirement. Workers can generally access part-retirement with a relief contract up to three years before ordinary retirement age, improving on the current two-year advance.
The reduction in working hours during the first year will be between 20 and 33 percent. And workers who opt for partial retirement will be able to concentrate their working day if agreed at the work center. In addition, the agreement provides for a progressive increase in company and part-retiree contributions, starting with 40 percent in 2025 and increasing annually until reaching 80 percent in 2029.
In the case of the manufacturing industry, the current framework will be extended until 2029. And it includes the improvement of the conditions of the relief worker.
Agreements with the mutuals for traumatologies
The pact also establishes a regulatory framework for the signing of collaboration agreements between autonomous and mutual communities. This allows greater collaboration with public health services in the performance of diagnostic tests for pathologies derived from traumatologies.
Registrations, confirmations and discharges will continue to be the responsibility of the public health service. The patient may withdraw consent at any time during the process.
Dangerous jobs
In the case of work associated with high levels of toxicity, danger or unhealthiness, a new procedure will be implemented to recognize reducing coefficients of the retirement age.
This process will be based on objective circumstances, using indicators such as the incidence, persistence and duration of medical leave processes, in addition to declarations of permanent disabilities and deaths. These indicators will be complemented with additional ones and epidemiological reports.
Bonds for companies with low claims
The agreement establishes a bonus system, that is, reduction of contributions for professional contingencies in companies that have considerably reduced the number of accidents at work. To do this, a system based on the evolution of accident rates will be articulated that requires investment in prevention for recognition. The right to the incentive is reduced by four percent when the qualification is improved. This discount will be eight percent if it remains at the maximum rating.
Quotation of fixed discontinuous
Finally, the agreement reached between the Government and social agents also foresees improvements in the conditions of access to pensions and the amount for people with discontinuous fixed contracts. For these employees, each day worked will be multiplied by 1.5 for contribution purposes.
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