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Demonstration: "Engineering and Architecture; for a safer society"

The CETIT will make it available to colleagues, students of industrial technical engineering, personnel, etc. ... a coach to go to the event convened for May 7, 2010 in Madrid. Those interested can sign up for CETIT offices, by calling 977 251 877 or by e-mail, before Wednesday, May 5 at 2 pm.

  • Start: Calle Alcalá corner at C / Marques de Cubas, Madrid.
  • Start time: 12:00
  • Destination: Calle Alcalá nº 9 (opposite the Ministry of Economy. A statement will be read at the end, which will end the demonstration
  • End time: 2:00 PM
  • Route: By Calle de Alcalá, Madrid.
Dear colleagues, Dear colleagues.

On many occasions you have consulted about the affectation that the Omnibus Law will cause about your professional work. Given that the Law defines the visa as a "voluntary instrument with a general character. It is only provided as an exception the possibility of establishing by decree of the Government the obligation to visa the projects, when necessary because there is a direct causal relationship between the work professional and affecting the physical integrity and security of the people, and it is proved that the visa is the most proportionate means of control, " the only answer that we could have been able to make sure that it was not satisfactory, neither for you nor less For us, since this law had to be implemented statutoryly and the State Government had four months to do so.

Finally, on April 30, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has published the Royal Decree Project, on obligations of professional visa for professional work, which determine the professional work that must be obtained college visa He argues that the reasons that have been evaluated to compile the list of these professional works are: "In each one, the need for the collegial visa to be compulsorily subjected to there is a direct causal relationship between professional work and the involvement of the physical integrity and security of the people, and because, in addition, the visa is the most proportionate means of control, taking into account the different control instruments possible . "

The work list is as follows:
Construction project execution and final construction certificate, project demolition of buildings that do not require explosives, project of special blasts, technical projects for the establishment, transfer and substantial modification of a factory of explosives, project installation technician and substantial modification of commercial deposits and explosives consumption, project for the establishment of cartridge and pyrotechnic workshops and of non-integrated deposits, mining resources utilization projects and for the end of the project, common buildings telecommunication infrastructures.

It seems that the Ministry of Economy and Finance is taking our hair.
How can one consider that ICT is more dangerous than an installation of high voltage, low voltage or gas network? How can you believe that ICT protects the physical integrity of people better than an installation against fires? etc.
They show a lack of absolute coherence.

Other arguments used are those expressed by the National Competition Commission, CNC, which attributes to the visa relevant effects on competition, which is used as an instrument to fix prices or by the territorial restriction of professional practice.

It is not true that the obligation to visar professional work imposes a monetary burden that hinders professional exercise, the cost of the visa represents, on average, 0.1% of the total cost of a work.
It is not true that the visa obligation is used as an instrument for fixing or homogenizing prices among professionals, many years ago we have no minimum fees.
It is not acceptable to say that we use the visa to restrict, in a territory, the professional exercise, the field of action of the TSI is the whole State.

The visa, among other functions, avoids the professional intrusion, ensuring that the professional who signs the projects is properly qualified, controls that the works conform to the regulatory requirements, in addition to assuring consumers and users that the Work has a sufficient civil liability insurance coverage.

The Government gives full credibility to the theses set forth by the CNC, who qualifies the professional colleges as obsolete, corporate and opaque organizations. Although professional colleges are not a widely spread figure in Europe, we are public, modern, democratic and public-law corporations, at the service of colleagues and society, to which we all serve.

It is obvious that we will present allegations, as we also presented them to the projects of the Paraigües and Omnibus laws, but we must assume that they will do the same thing then. They did not serve the submitted allegations or the contacts maintained with the parliamentary groups. The different efforts made by all the member organizations of the Bureau of Engineering , a state organization that brings together all the engineers, have been sterile, so it is time to demonstrate to the Government our firm disagreement.

For all this, on Friday May 7th in Madrid, there will be a gathering to which you are all summoned.