The Technical Engineers of the Province of Tarragona vindicate their constitutional right that does not hinder their professional development and recognize the service they provide to society
At the headquarters of the College of Technical Engineers of Topography, a manifesto was signed on the step towards the new degrees of Degree giving it to know different representatives of political parties (PSC, PP, CIU and ERC)
With the entry into force of the reform of university education or "Bolonya Plan", the new degrees of Engineers of Grau will give access to the current regulated professions of Technical Engineer. In turn, graduate degrees in Engineering are generally recognized degrees in the European sphere and in the labor market. The different legislations of public employees for access to group A1 require that title, which is also the minimum qualification required to practice in education. In the European area for the organization of university education, countries such as Germany, the most technologically advanced country within the European Union, the Degree Engineers must pass 3 years of theoretical classes and 1 year of practices in companies and jobs. Likewise, Regulation No 723/04 of March 22, 2004, which modifies the Statute of the Officials of the European Communities to adapt it to the new situation, stipulates that in order to access the highest levels (Group A) of the Public Community Function (management, conception and study functions) it is necessary to have completed full university studies of four years or longer, and failing that three years of full university studies and adequate professional experience of one year . From this it follows that, at European level, professional experience is comparable to academic training.
The homologation of the degrees at European level, supposes the opening to new opportunities in the European labor market and the option to postulate to possible job offers in the labor market. At present, due to the economic crisis we suffer and which especially punishes our young people, many Technical Engineers forced to emigrate to other European countries, are encountering important obstacles to homologating these titles in other European Union countries (United Kingdom , Germany, Greece, ...), which closes the labor and academic doors to their professional development. This anomalous situation that occurs in Spain is creating great discrimination and a strong comparative grievance with the rest of European professionals of Engineering, as regards the free movement of professionals, as established in the European Directive of Services.
There are oppositions convened in some Autonomous Community that do not already include Technical Engineers, which is why we are excluded from this labor market. For more seriousness of the matter, many graduates from other countries may qualify for their studies and their degree without further examination.
In Spain, the set up by the Universities of the Degrees of Degree in Engineering, led to our group that brings together more than 500,000 professionals throughout Spain and about 6,000 in the province of Tarragona, great expectation, so it was supposed to great opportunity to obtain competences in accordance with the level of socioeconomic and technological development demanded by society and thus be able to enter labor in this common European area. This aspiration became fascinated, knowing that so many denominations of undergraduate degrees with different competences would be instituted, as so many university centers taught these lessons, even different in each Autonomous Community.
Now, these Universities with the implantation of "footbridges" or programs to homologate the degree of Technical Engineer to Degree in Engineering, have increased in our opinion, with their proposals, the committed ones, and under the absolute anarchy , they are proposing different programs and subjects, they differentiate labor experience differently, and to finalize in some cases, they justify these programs based on the knowledge acquired in those degrees have been modified with respect to which they are currently given . In short, in some cases the step is facilitated and in others it is difficult. All this without regard to the fact that they also set different deadlines for their implementation and without considering that they can not meet 5% of the existing demand with the resources they have, which is an added discrimination.
This situation described for the Spanish case is absolutely unassailable and of closed institutions and without contact with reality, since it is incomprehensible that it is not understood that professionals in their daily activity are obliged to adapt to the demands of an open and competitive market to be able to work, and this necessarily demands a continuous "putting them to the day" in their technological know-how, thereby preventing their fossilization. This permanent update is what is called and understood throughout Europe and Spain by some, such as professional experience. In this continuous effort of recycling, it is not necessary to obviate the work that in the formative matter come realizing the Professional Associations that like those that subscribe this writing in the province of Tarragona, have the necessary means to offer a continuous formation The graduates who finish in the University and their associated professionals, promoting not less than 50 courses per school and year, helping to keep the knowledge gained at the time in the university permanently updated as well as the Professional skills that require the new technological advances that society demands, which is known by the different Universities.
To overcome the situation described, the Technical Engineering of the Province of Tarragona, as well as in other provinces of Spain, have decided to join forces in an initiative without precedents, so that they recognize their professional competencies in the search for solutions to conflicts which in recent months paralyze and diminish the competitiveness of the professional groups they represent, not only in front of other European regions but in comparison with other Autonomous Communities in Spanish territory. There are several Technical Engineering in Tarragona that have decided to seek mutual support. These groups represent more than 6,000 Engineering professionals, who develop their daily work for society in the Province of Tarragona, and are taken from the lack of professional organization unlike what happens in the rest of Europe and the great disparity of academic and economic criteria that have been generated between the different public and private universities, regarding the adaptation of the Degree.
The current situation of economic crisis must force the Government out of the next elections of November 20, to eradicate discriminatory situations that impede development and professional competitiveness in a common European space, which, as described for this group, They can not qualify for their studies or their professional experience. That is why we asked him to solve this problem in order to respond to those professionals who are susceptible to obtaining the Degree in their corresponding branch of engineering, and to put the legitimate interest of these professionals in coherence with what is done in the rest of Europe, adopting the necessary measures that facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness in the adaptation of our lessons to the European Higher Education Area, thus contributing to the objective of having more work outs for our university students, which we claim:
"To establish by the government the criteria necessary for the direct approval of the title of Technical Engineer to the corresponding Degree in Engineering, with the additional requirement to prove a minimum professional experience of 3 years in the exercise of the corresponding profession of Technical Engineer ".
We have known that there are initiatives of political representatives that have carried out parliamentary proceedings on the matter and proposals that have not been debated by the dissolution of Parliament have circulated, in the form of non-law Proposals that share these demands of our group. That is why from here we want to convey and raise awareness to our political representatives about the seriousness of the situation created in the Technical Engineers by the existing legal vacuum, and encourage them to urge the next Government to leave the polls that urgently solve this problem . We believe that the Spanish state's challenge to overcome the serious economic crisis it suffers requires the competition of all and it is not time to impose racist attacks or discrimination, but rather to join resources, competencies and efforts to to get out of this situation.
Tarragona November 11, 2011
Aeronautical Engineers
Agricultural Technical Engineers
Industrial Engineers
Technical Mining Engineers
Naval Technical Engineers
Technical Telecommunications Engineers
Technical Engineers Surveying
At the headquarters of the College of Technical Engineers of Topography, a manifesto was signed on the step towards the new degrees of Degree giving it to know different representatives of political parties (PSC, PP, CIU and ERC)
With the entry into force of the reform of university education or "Bolonya Plan", the new degrees of Engineers of Grau will give access to the current regulated professions of Technical Engineer. In turn, graduate degrees in Engineering are generally recognized degrees in the European sphere and in the labor market. The different legislations of public employees for access to group A1 require that title, which is also the minimum qualification required to practice in education. In the European area for the organization of university education, countries such as Germany, the most technologically advanced country within the European Union, the Degree Engineers must pass 3 years of theoretical classes and 1 year of practices in companies and jobs. Likewise, Regulation No 723/04 of March 22, 2004, which modifies the Statute of the Officials of the European Communities to adapt it to the new situation, stipulates that in order to access the highest levels (Group A) of the Public Community Function (management, conception and study functions) it is necessary to have completed full university studies of four years or longer, and failing that three years of full university studies and adequate professional experience of one year . From this it follows that, at European level, professional experience is comparable to academic training.
The homologation of the degrees at European level, supposes the opening to new opportunities in the European labor market and the option to postulate to possible job offers in the labor market. At present, due to the economic crisis we suffer and which especially punishes our young people, many Technical Engineers forced to emigrate to other European countries, are encountering important obstacles to homologating these titles in other European Union countries (United Kingdom , Germany, Greece, ...), which closes the labor and academic doors to their professional development. This anomalous situation that occurs in Spain is creating great discrimination and a strong comparative grievance with the rest of European professionals of Engineering, as regards the free movement of professionals, as established in the European Directive of Services.
There are oppositions convened in some Autonomous Community that do not already include Technical Engineers, which is why we are excluded from this labor market. For more seriousness of the matter, many graduates from other countries may qualify for their studies and their degree without further examination.
In Spain, the set up by the Universities of the Degrees of Degree in Engineering, led to our group that brings together more than 500,000 professionals throughout Spain and about 6,000 in the province of Tarragona, great expectation, so it was supposed to great opportunity to obtain competences in accordance with the level of socioeconomic and technological development demanded by society and thus be able to enter labor in this common European area. This aspiration became fascinated, knowing that so many denominations of undergraduate degrees with different competences would be instituted, as so many university centers taught these lessons, even different in each Autonomous Community.
Now, these Universities with the implantation of "footbridges" or programs to homologate the degree of Technical Engineer to Degree in Engineering, have increased in our opinion, with their proposals, the committed ones, and under the absolute anarchy , they are proposing different programs and subjects, they differentiate labor experience differently, and to finalize in some cases, they justify these programs based on the knowledge acquired in those degrees have been modified with respect to which they are currently given . In short, in some cases the step is facilitated and in others it is difficult. All this without regard to the fact that they also set different deadlines for their implementation and without considering that they can not meet 5% of the existing demand with the resources they have, which is an added discrimination.
This situation described for the Spanish case is absolutely unassailable and of closed institutions and without contact with reality, since it is incomprehensible that it is not understood that professionals in their daily activity are obliged to adapt to the demands of an open and competitive market to be able to work, and this necessarily demands a continuous "putting them to the day" in their technological know-how, thereby preventing their fossilization. This permanent update is what is called and understood throughout Europe and Spain by some, such as professional experience. In this continuous effort of recycling, it is not necessary to obviate the work that in the formative matter come realizing the Professional Associations that like those that subscribe this writing in the province of Tarragona, have the necessary means to offer a continuous formation The graduates who finish in the University and their associated professionals, promoting not less than 50 courses per school and year, helping to keep the knowledge gained at the time in the university permanently updated as well as the Professional skills that require the new technological advances that society demands, which is known by the different Universities.
To overcome the situation described, the Technical Engineering of the Province of Tarragona, as well as in other provinces of Spain, have decided to join forces in an initiative without precedents, so that they recognize their professional competencies in the search for solutions to conflicts which in recent months paralyze and diminish the competitiveness of the professional groups they represent, not only in front of other European regions but in comparison with other Autonomous Communities in Spanish territory. There are several Technical Engineering in Tarragona that have decided to seek mutual support. These groups represent more than 6,000 Engineering professionals, who develop their daily work for society in the Province of Tarragona, and are taken from the lack of professional organization unlike what happens in the rest of Europe and the great disparity of academic and economic criteria that have been generated between the different public and private universities, regarding the adaptation of the Degree.
The current situation of economic crisis must force the Government out of the next elections of November 20, to eradicate discriminatory situations that impede development and professional competitiveness in a common European space, which, as described for this group, They can not qualify for their studies or their professional experience. That is why we asked him to solve this problem in order to respond to those professionals who are susceptible to obtaining the Degree in their corresponding branch of engineering, and to put the legitimate interest of these professionals in coherence with what is done in the rest of Europe, adopting the necessary measures that facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness in the adaptation of our lessons to the European Higher Education Area, thus contributing to the objective of having more work outs for our university students, which we claim:
"To establish by the government the criteria necessary for the direct approval of the title of Technical Engineer to the corresponding Degree in Engineering, with the additional requirement to prove a minimum professional experience of 3 years in the exercise of the corresponding profession of Technical Engineer ".
We have known that there are initiatives of political representatives that have carried out parliamentary proceedings on the matter and proposals that have not been debated by the dissolution of Parliament have circulated, in the form of non-law Proposals that share these demands of our group. That is why from here we want to convey and raise awareness to our political representatives about the seriousness of the situation created in the Technical Engineers by the existing legal vacuum, and encourage them to urge the next Government to leave the polls that urgently solve this problem . We believe that the Spanish state's challenge to overcome the serious economic crisis it suffers requires the competition of all and it is not time to impose racist attacks or discrimination, but rather to join resources, competencies and efforts to to get out of this situation.
Tarragona November 11, 2011
Aeronautical Engineers
Agricultural Technical Engineers
Industrial Engineers
Technical Mining Engineers
Naval Technical Engineers
Technical Telecommunications Engineers
Technical Engineers Surveying