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  • This claim is supported by the 80,000 signatures delivered to the Ministry of Education, together with the request for a meeting with the Minister of Education, José Ignacio Wert.
  • In the absence of general criteria for a correct adaptation to the current degrees of Engineering Degree, and the situation of confusion that has been generated among the technical engineers who wish to access said degree.
  • In compliance with the premises that come from European directives based on the recognition of the competences and skills acquired throughout life, regardless of the formal training received at the University.

The Presidents and Deans of the Councils of Technical Engineers of Industrial, Telecommunications and Public Works, José Antonio Galdón Ruiz, José Javier Medina and Paloma Gázquez Collado, respectively, have submitted 80,000 signatures to the Ministry of Education. In addition, they have requested an interview with the Minister, José Ignacio Wert, so that his department will do everything possible so that the Technical Engineers access the Degree Adaptation Course more easily, considering their professional experience, in compliance with the premises that come from European directives based on the recognition of the skills and abilities acquired throughout life, regardless of the formal training received at the University.

Through this recommendation, the European Commission urges the Member States to establish national systems for the validation of “non-formal and informal learning” by 2018, in order to improve the employment opportunities of those who can accredit training to margin of academic degrees. At the moment, only Finland, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands currently have complete systems for the validation of such learning.

The Degree is the new degree that gives access to the current regulated professions of Technical Engineer, so it is easy to understand the urgency of this request. There are currently about 200,000 Technical Engineers who intend to homologate their degree, but Public Universities do not satisfy even 5 percent of that demand. It should be remembered that there is an urgent need to obtain the degree of Engineering Degree to access the European labor world and the offers of the national market.

The Technical Engineers cannot allow the existing complications to access a Degree Adaptation Course to close their work and academic doors in Spain and in the European Union. These complications have to do with the very high economic and personal cost of carrying out the adaptation courses proposed by the different Universities (private and public), and the great disparity of criteria that exists between them.

To all this is added the importance that other countries in our environment give to the professional experience of university graduates. Therefore, those responsible for the Technical Engineers Councils demand fast and agile solutions that pave the work development of thousands and thousands of Technical Engineers with years of experience behind them. That experience is what professionally enables them to access the new degree.

Articulation of a Royal Decree

Parallel to the delivery of the 80,000 signatures, the representatives of the aforementioned professional associations have delivered a letter addressed to the Minister, in which they present their claims. First, they request the Government of the Nation to articulate a Royal Decree that includes a transitory provision that articulates a fair, fast, economic and based access to the professional experience and efficiency that our society requires, due to the lack of criteria homogeneous for the entire Spanish State, by the Universities and Schools, and to the limited offer of places in public universities.

Academic duration of the Graduate degrees

Secondly, before the communications of the Ministry of Education regarding the modification of the duration of the Graduate degrees, the aforementioned professional associations express their disagreement with the setback that would entail the return to the degrees of three academic courses. For this reason, from these Technical Engineering they consider that in accordance with the legislation regarding the EHEA, and with the situation in the rest of European countries, the structure set for graduates must be maintained for a duration of 4 academic courses and 240 ECTS , that keeps the Spanish Engineers in the current quality standards.

Participation in the preparation of the Study Plans

Third, the aforementioned Technical Engineers request that, on the part of the Ministry, the Universities be urged to comply with the current legislation so that the participation of the Professional Colleges in the preparation of the Study Plans is effective, as well as that they be included in the ANECA Evaluation Commissions, as recognized representatives for the professional field; taking into account that the profession is the ultimate goal that every student wants to achieve, and therefore the opinion of the professions must be known.