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"The economic situation may begin to improve shortly, it may be that due to the pressure of the citizens, we will recover some of the social rights that have been lost, but the unfortunate state in which many families find themselves will take years to overcome.

Therefore, I call, from my modesty, that all those who can, provide resources to entities that help those in need. It will not be alms, it is social justice. So, as I do not intend to preach and give wheat, I commit myself to donate to Caritas all the benefits from the sale of my book "Climate change in the fables."

Book that you can purchase online through What will allow you in addition to helping to prevent many fellow citizens who are having a bad time from despair, you will know what climate change consists of, what the consequences will be pernicious of the greenhouse effect, what to do to fight against them, save on water, light, etc. , and finally he will read more than fifty fables of famous fabulists interpreting them from the environmental point of view with opinions about it and their corresponding morals.

There is no doubt that the natural calamities caused by climate change will delve deeper into the hardships of many families; not only because of the loss of human lives, but because they will lose their few belongings and even cease to receive public support for having the states to deal with repairing the damages caused by the disasters diverting economic resources. "

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