Energy Building Certification is not an additional financial burden, but a real savings opportunity in energy consumption bills
• Energy certifications make it possible to know the consumption of homes and provide savings guidelines.
• The professionalism of the technicians is the only guarantee of security for customers who need to make an energy certification.
The general director of the IDAE (Institute for the Diversification and Saving of Energy), from the Ministry of Industry, Fidel Pérez Montes, and the President of the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering (COGITI), José Antonio Galdón Ruiz, analyzed today, during an informative breakfast with the media, the implementation of the energy certification of buildings (homes and commercial premises), obligatory since June 1 to sell or rent properties, in compliance with Royal Decree 235/2013 of April 5.
Both have agreed that we need to make people aware of energy certification. "We understand that the moment is difficult, and access to the loan is complicated, but it is necessary that citizens do not see it as a tax or a further tax, as a mandatory thing imposed by the Government, but as something really beneficial for to society, with a look at the goal of the year 2020, when it will be called for all new homes to have almost zero energy consumption , "explained the president of the General Council of Industrial Technical Engineering, José Antonio Galdón.
For his part, IDAE's CEO, Fidel Pérez, stated that "homes give rise to 40% of CO2 emissions. Through the energy certification we are introducing a new mentality in the citizens, in order to They acquire the consciousness of the car that is to waste energy, the heat or the cold of their homes, and why a better isolated and maintained house will always be a saving of energy in the invoices. Of course, To be accompanied by others, such as access to financing to carry out the necessary reforms in the buildings. In this regard, both the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Public Works, which have the powers of Energy and Housing, They are working arm to make it so. "
Another fundamental aspect is that the professionalism of the technicians is the only guarantee of security for customers who need to make an energy certification. Therefore, and to have the complete guarantee that the professionals who carry it out are qualified and trained for this purpose, an ambitious training plan in collaboration with the IDAE has been launched since COGITI almost a year ago. In this way, they have already trained almost 5,000 engineers throughout Spain, and it is expected that once the courses have been completed, more than 6,000 professionals will receive this training in Energy Building Certification, which places them as the collector. Professional professional benchmark in number of experts in this area.
"The COGITI has made a great effort to train all these professionals. Thanks to institutions like this, we have been able to train for a total of 10,000 technicians for a while, in a record time, so there is no strangulation on the market," he said. said Fidel Pérez.
The general director of IDAE also thanked COGITI for the actions he has carried out, and that "they have gone far beyond mere strict compliance with the stipulations of what has been agreed upon, as they have had a proactive, which was reflected in the Energy Building Certification Platform "(, the server where market permeability is facilitated, and access to the contacts of the professionals qualified to perform
the certifications, throughout the Spanish geography. Thanks to the collaboration of the Professional Associations, where it has been implemented, we have achieved that there are no irregularities, and the prices are being fixed in the fair terms of the work. In addition, the technician informs on the improvements that can be incorporated in the houses, with a lower cost, and establishes what is the order of priorities ".
For its part, the president of the COGITI has indicated that this platform offers guarantee and security to the citizens. "Sometimes, it seems that there is a marketing in the field of energy efficiency, since in some places they offer very cheap certificates, or up to three by two, and even some offer to perform energy certification at Distance, which is inadmissible. On the contrary, we want to offer an agile platform, where the citizen finds professionals ready to carry out the energy certification, and achieve the aims that are pursued. "
At the same time, it is a great opportunity to reactivate certain sectors that are currently quite "touched", such as construction and facilities. "A new economy and sources of work will be created, which will help us to get out of this crisis," they have indicated. But in order to do this, it is necessary to encourage these investments for the reform of buildings, homes, and premises, through certain measures that will have to be studied.
"Professional associations will ensure that the work done by the technicians is correct, and in case we detect any irregularity, we will inform the Ministry, so that it can be sanctioned in cases that do not comply with the stipulated requirements. Our goal is to always offer quality, professionalism and guarantee for the citizens, "concluded the president of COGITI.