Whatever it is to invest in infrastructures and development in an area of our territory, it must be considered as the greatest opportunity to generate wealth and create a positive dynamic to dynamise an economy, now more than ever, to help us get out of business. this difficult moment
The debate on the Law of the Recreational and Tourism Center (CRT) is focused on studying from all fields the possibilities of the territory to acclimate to the changes in a global world where the opportunities that appear are specific and at specific times. What may be best for the territory can be discussed to analyze the positive and negative parts in case the approval of the law is necessary or not for reasons of place names, distrust of the risks of money laundering by lowering taxes, increasing the risk of the ludopathy or the conservation of the environment and urban development of the coast.
There are currently strong arguments to consider that tourism is a basic economic structure that is sufficiently important to defend the growth of a territory. So, can we despise an investment of 4,700 million euros?
The arguments presented by the political parties to the Law should have been resolved before this new law. It was necessary to modify the necessary and consensual sectoral laws to be universal and efficient, such as urbanism, transparency, the environment and games and shows, since the political class can establish the strategies to follow to control and manage the growth initiatives of society
Is it possible to doubt the need to continue to grow the tourism industry by implementing the BCN World?
We are presented with the opportunity to have the largest center of international leisure in the Mediterranean. Increasing the number of visitors to our counties (5 million in 2013) is a difficult objective not to be taken into consideration, given the great benefits that can be achieved in the environment of the main investment and sustained over time.
Since 1989, tourism with industry has been coexisting. The petrochemical industrial complex and the port's chemical terminals coexist with the leisure center of Port Aventura and with coastal tourism, in a good harmony. A province that also has nuclear power stations is an example and a model admired by many and a sample of how sometimes confrontational interests are solved. I do not think the effort we are doing is worthwhile and what we can do. Nobody discusses the introduction of Port Aventura; Now its expansion with BCN World and possibly Ferrari can be consolidated.
The diversity of jobs that this initiative generates must be taken advantage of. We should not forget that the debate does not take into account the volume of professionals that can intervene during the planning and execution phase of the project and that of the future jobs generated after the project has been completed thanks to all the services of the Small and medium-sized businesses in the territory, such as the maintenance of all infrastructures.
The group of engineering professionals in our counties see an opportunity to participate or intervene in this macroproject, for which they are technically prepared.
Everyone speaks of the 113,000 workers (27% unemployed) in our counties of Tarragona and the Terres de l'Ebre, but everyone forgets the group of freelance professionals, in our case engineers and engineering companies, who could be benefited for this great project, many of which currently do not find customers. We must not forget that freelancers are those that generate more employment.
The general interest of the territory must be above the interests of the political parties, since the political responsibility is to ensure that they provide tools for increasing the opportunities of people to have a decent work place and increase in a sustainable way the heritage of the territory. At this moment we will see if we are able to look to the future and to be competent to be competitive.
The optimistic vision that must be given at this moment is that it is necessary to make a collective effort to cooperate in creating positive initiatives that generate labor insertion for unemployed, whether undergraduate or not, and to establish competitive opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, giving continuity to the tourist, economic, urban and social model that has given the current growth in the territory.
Now it has been presented the opportunity to do the same as the mayors of the affected municipalities, to serve the needs of the majority of citizens of the counties of Tarragona and the Terres de l'Ebre. Therefore, we are delighted that a political agreement has been reached to untie the project, now it is not necessary to agree in a consensual and agile manner the basic rules to establish the regulatory framework for the growth of the tourist industry to satisfy the general interest and keep the investment opportunities of the entrepreneurs.
Santiago Crivillé Andreu
College of Industrial Technical Engineers of Tarragona