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The necessary convergence of the energy certification with the Basic Document of
Energy Saving (DB-HE) of the Technical Building Code (CTE) and the Regulation of Thermal Installations of Buildings (RITE), both updated in 2013, obliges the review of the procedure used for the qualification of the energy efficiency of the building. Likewise, it has been considered necessary to define a more flexible framework that allows to adapt the certification to the permanent technical progress and innovation that takes place in the sector of the building in relation to the energetic efficiency.

The most significant changes introduced in the certification procedure are the following:

· Energy consumption indicator. It has been adopted as a indicator of consumption in the certification, that of non-renewable primary energy consumption, in correspondence with section HE 0 of DB HE, in accordance with the provisions of Directive 2010/31 / EU.

· Climatic data and scales of qualification. The climatic data used for the certification have been unified with those defined in the DB HE for the different climatic zones. Likewise, the scales have been conveniently adapted to adapt them to the new climates, maintaining the criteria established above for the setting of the limits of the different classes.

· Step factors. They have been implemented in the procedure of certification of the updated step factors established in the Recognized Document of the RITE, "Factors of emission of CO2 and coefficients of step to primary energy of different sources of final energy consumed in the sector of buildings of 'Spain.'

· Replacement systems. The technical characteristics of the replacement systems have been modified to adapt them to the regulatory requirements established in the RITE.

· Levels of ventilation in residential buildings. Ventilation levels have been defined more in accordance with the real conditions of use of the residential buildings.

Likewise, to facilitate the statistical treatment of the data included in the certificates, the new programs generate a digital file in XML format, which contains all the data of the certificate and which must be provided at the time of registration.

As of January 14, 2016 of the respective registries of the autonomous communities and cities, only certificates generated with the new versions of the recognized programs will be accepted. Until this date, only the certificates generated by the old versions of the recognized programs will be accepted.

The certificates in force on January 14, 2016 do not need to be updated until the end of their period of validity or modify any of the characteristics of the building that affects the certification. However, if so desired, a new certificate may be issued again in accordance with the new procedure, replacing the previous one, before the end of the period of validity.

Finally, it should be noted that the new versions of the programs are compatible with the digital files generated by the old versions, requiring only the update of some data.

1 Old version of the programs:

· CE3X version1.3
· CE3 _version 1.1_1852_663
· CERMA version 2.6

2 New version of the programs

· CE3X
· CE3 version 2375.1015 .
· HULC version 20151113
· CERMA version 4

The implementation of these changes can lead to a variation in the result obtained by making the energy rating of the same building with the old version1 of the programs and with the new2.