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Also, we inform you that autonomous workers who, by January 1, 2016, are 47 years of age and are listed on the RETA for a base of less than 1,945.80 euros per month, will not be able to choose a base greater than 1,964.70 Euros, unless they exercise their option in such sense before June 30, 2016.

OTES these changes have effect from 1 July 2016.

Self-employed workers who, at any time during the year 2015, have contracted at their service a number of workers employed by another person equal to or greater than ten, the minimum contribution base will be 1,067.40 euros.

Quotation for termination of activity during 2016

The contribution rate corresponding to the cessation of activity protection is 2.20 percent.

Until September 30 you have the time to opt for the coverage of professional contingencies and protection for termination of the activity. The date of effects will be January 1, 2017.

If you want more information, contact Data & Services, identified as a colleague and benefit from the agreement we have established to enjoy employment, tax and accounting advice.

The services are:

- Free consultation of questions that do not require a special study.
-Application of a discount in fees in those cases where the consultation requires a special study or entails a subsequent professional intervention.


For fiscal and accounting matters: Mr. Albert Grau,   977 238 112
For work issues: Mr. Ricardo López, 977 218 633