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Technical conference "Impulse of forest biomass in the chemical sector"

This seminar is organized together with the Cluster of the Biomass of Catalonia in the framework of the " Proximity Heat Network of the Diputació de Tarragona " cofinanced by the ERDF funds within the framework of the FEDER Catalunya 2014-2020 OP.

  The session is free and pre-registration is required at or through the RuralCat portal: . Attach program

The conference is aimed at all professionals in the chemical industry and the industrial sector that work on energy planning, process improvement, innovation, projects, sustainability and the environment, mainly. It is also extensible to students of chemical engineering and chemistry in general, p referently, those related to the specialties of Environmental Engineering and Energy Sustainability and others linked to renewable energies and the chemical characterization of biomass and forest biomass.

  The aim is to frame the use of biomass as an opportunity and a solution for the sustainable use of energy in the chemical sector and in the chemical industry .

Documentation and resources